Activation... Fail or Success

[Activation of Elementalist 45%]

Pain sored as a cry escaped her lips as one of the Demon Rabbits latched itself once more onto her.

[Activation of Elementalist Failed.]

That single sliver of hope she had desperately grabbed onto vanished.

If she had faced a God and been sent to this world, shouldn't it have succeeded? Shouldn't she be so over-powered that something like these Demon Rabbits wouldn't be able to hurt her? Shouldn't she already have incredible wealth and power?

There were no more plans. No ideas of what to do. She was lost. She was confused. Still, nothing made sense. She only wanted to ignore it. To ignore everything and act like this was still a game.

Act like she hadn't been punished somehow.

This was a game.

"Force Activate, Rites of Necromancer!"

Why hope for anything when it was already snatched? Why think that any of her Rites were going to work?

[Activation of Necromancer beginning... Force Activation has been speed up due to user being in imminent danger. Calculating results...]

She let out a bitter laugh. This was more then just imminent danger.

Cithrel wore a weak smile, remembering as the results came hurling at her, that this was she had always thrived for before. The feel of blood in the air, the stench of death. How many times had her own life nearly flashed out of existence?

Yet, her she cowered like someone who knew nothing. Like she needed to be saved.

She almost laughed at herself. Laughed at the idea that she suddenly forgot it all. Like she became a helpless fool, unable to do anything.

Levels meant nothing. They had never meant anything to Cithrel.

Sure, the higher they were from her, the stronger they were, it made it harder. But never impossible. She had never faced an impossible challenge.

[Activation of Necromancer Successful.]

[Title Gained: Necromancer]

[Skill Learned: Undead Summon]

[Skill Learned: Vampiric Touch]

[Skill Learned: True Polymorph]

[Skill Learned: Sense the Dead]

The screens flashed in front Cithrel, nearly making her get bitten by another rabies Demon Rabbit. She snarled at the creature as it slammed into the shield.

[Activation has been completed. You may now use the Necromancer Class successfully. Abilities will depend on the user and how they handle the skills. In the case of fighting against Demon Rabbits, it would be best to quickly get out from the middle of them and rely on your undead.]

Cithrel nodded, as she waited for the next attack. She knew she wouldn't leave it unscathed and knew nothing of her new skills. With no time to read their descriptions, she could simply depend on the names and hoping they resembled anything in her thoughts.

As a Demon Rabbit flew through the air, a sharp hiss escaped from Cithrel. Teeth dug into her arm, but now was her chance. She could escape from this circle. At least that was her plan.

Her feet pushed into the ground. One step... Two steps.

Something in the corner of her eye caught her attention. She barely threw the shield in time to stop two of the Demon Rabbits from mauling her face.

There was no escape. She tugged, feeling the teeth rip from her arm as escaped from the Rabbit leeching her flesh.

"I don't have time to adjust my skills to an open spot."

She spun on her heels, with wild eyes as she waited to see which one would come next. There had to be an answer. A way to get out of this still.

Her body was battered and bruised. Even in places that hadn't been hit. Her breathing was shallow. And every now and then everything around her would become blurry.

Cithrel bite her tongue and shook her head.

There was always a way out of the impossible. She just had to see it.

"Summon Undead."

Even as the air grew chilly, nothing had happened.

"Summon Undead!"

Her chest tightened.

[It would be wise to use Sense the Dead.]

"How is that supposed to help?"

[It will allow you to summon a undead.]

She tsked at the stupidness of that. How could her sensing the dead bring her to summon one. She wasn't fighting anything dead. She was fighting demons.

But what did she have to lose by this point? Her sanity?

"How do I use it?"

[Everyone is different.]

"Useless system."

[I offer what I can and will make sure you don't die.]

She tsked at the system that spoke nonsense. But it gave her an idea. Another way to get around having to use such a useless skill that she fully didn't believe in.

Cithrel knew she couldn't close her eyes and focus like that. Instead, she imagined a creature spouting form the ground. Bones and armor. A warrior skeleton that was on her side.

"Summon Undead."

She rehashed the same phrase. Maybe if she kept repeating that, it would work.

And like magic, the vision she had seen began to form. The Demon Rabbit that had been aimed at her slammed instead into the helmet of a undead skeleton. The head came snapping off, but the undead summoning continued out of the ground.

[Undead E has heard your voice and been summoned. Like all skeletons, level him up as quickly as possible to make him undefeatable.]

Things were slowly beginning to look up for her.

Just like she had done with him, she imagined three more skeletons slowly begin to form.

[Undead F has heard your voice and been summoned. Like all skeletons, level him up as quickly as possible to make him undefeatable.]

[Undead S has heard your voice and been summoned. Like all skeletons, level him up as quickly as possible to make him undefeatable.]

[Undead Q has heard your voice and been summoned. Like all skeletons, level him up as quickly as possible to make him undefeatable.]

A grin formed as she collapsed to the ground. The skeletons were on four of her sides, and while she was still open in other directions, for a moment she could catch a breath. The battle, even with the clear level difference, was beginning to look favorable.

"Fight for your master!"

Her cry filled the air and like that, the undead summonings fought against the demon beasts. It was a beauty to see as their bones were crushed. As the air filled with dush and pixels and the cries of pain. Blood sprayed, hitting the ground, with specks reaching her.

Cithrel laughed.

She laughed from the madness and the craziness of it all.

She laughed from the pain and how things had turned out to be.

Maybe... just maybe there was someone looking out for her after all. Even that damned God she was beginning to think was real.

Or maybe it was just all her luck and this was still a game that she could win.