Chapter 13

Ryan didn't know if he should accept.

On the one hand, it would reap massive benefits, on the other, if he failed he would never be able to play and become stronger. It would basically fuck him over during the 'apocalypse'.

Also, he only had four in game years to complete the quest. How in four years would he be able to reach the level that others took millions of years to reach? Buuut, he would be allowed a single request upon accepting the quest, it might be possible for him to ask if she could take him to the river Pyros to hatch his abyssal rhino. Maybe he should accept the quest. Ahhhh he didn't know.

After a minute of reflection, he decided to accept the request. In the Nether Dimension he had no power and was pretty much just a snack for any beast, but if he accepted he would shoot straight to level 14 and he would be able to hatch his pet which would be crucial to his rise to strength.

"I accept" Ryan said to the woman. A light filled the room as XP motes rushed towards Ryan's body and infused into his skin making him level up straight to Lv14.

"That's fantastic, I was hoping you would. I have prepared a few things in case you agreed, so let me just get them."

She reached her hand towards the fireplace and the fire dimmed to a low smoulder before a few vials of purple liquid and a white gem floated out from the chimney and into her hands.

"Now Ryan, this little gem here is going to be very important for you. Because of how rare and precious your body is, many people will seek to kill and eat you, as I have said before. But thankfully, a Yazuka that I once killed, had created this little master piece that changes the colour of your skin without hindering the gifts that your body gives you. Now I will give it to you, it is of no use to me so maybe you can use it well. I also prepared a vial of High Demon blood for your little beasty, I felt its presence as soon as you entered the boundaries of my forest. It is also why I have teleported this forest to the River Pyros during our little talk." the old lady said as she giggled at Ryan's shocked face.

"If you hatch your little abyssal beast while it is surrounded by the blood of a High Demon, its foundation will be immaculate and will be stronger than you are as soon as it is born. Then again that's not very difficult, to me you are weaker than a speck of dust. But dearest Ryan, you don't have to worry because I need you for greater things, so I am helping you. I also prepared something that the Quest does not describe, I have six bottles of Yazuka blood. Each one is from a different race, I have tested many times the effects of mixing blood and they have always boosted the capabilities of the recipient by tremendous amounts so I can only assume that mixing all of them would result in something greater. So get them down ya." The old woman said with a gentle smile. She placed the vials and the gem into Ryan's hands and gestured for him to drink.

Not questioning her, Ryan instantly gulped down all the vials. Like elixirs they burned through his body, getting rid of his impurities but they also forged better paths for his skills and magic, strengthening his skin and mind. A single horn began to grow through his forehead, his skin turned a deeper, darker shade of purple without changing him into a grape and his hair began to turn a milky white that exuded softness. His muscles began to grown and his spine began to stretch until his skin tore and mended itself making his body grow to be six foot four.

Inside his stomach the six purple energies began to clash and shake his body, they all vied for power and wanted to tear his body apart. But a strange amethyst coloured energy seeped from his heart and swallowed the purple coloured energies for itself, it then retreated back to his heart where it sent pulse after pulse of purple energy that invigorated him and recreated his foundation once more to allow the dense aether collected within the forest to seep into his pores and forge his body anew. From Ryan's body shone a bright purple light that intended to blind those around Ryan, fortunately the pure black windows trapped the light and absorbed it without letting the outside world know that anything was going on.

"hehehehe it worked, it worked. I don't know what makes you different, but it worked. Not a single other Yazuka has been able to withstand the clashing energies, you are a marvel. You must be admiring your body and wanting to test it out but unfortunately for you, I will be taking it. Thank you for your contribution."

Within a second, the old lady had become face to face with Ryan, her old quaint face had turned into one of a monstrosity. Her facial features were contorted, she only had one eye and her face sagged below her bones. The fingers that seemed so sweet moments before, turned into disgusting green sticks with long sharp fingernails that dug into the side of Ryan's face and tried to burrow into his mind.

[????? is attempting to take over your body! Fight Back!]

[You have entered a battle of the Soul, if you lose your soul will be destroyed]

Just as Ryan could feel his soul being ripped from his body, the strange amethyst energy suddenly pushed back. Since absorbing the other purple energies, it had turned darker and richer, it had become a lot stronger. His soul was pulled back into his body with ease by the amethyst energy and it began to counterattack. Curling up the old lady's fingers, the energy had turned into a mist that slipped up towards the orifices on her face. In less than a moment, the mist had crept into her nostrils, eyes and ears seeking to destroy her brain and soul.

[You have destroyed the soul of a higher being! Your Soul Strength has increased greatly!]

[You have gained 0 XP]

[Congratulations! You have gained the title [Soul Slayer] and the title [Saviour of the Nether Realm] and the title [Leviathan Slayer]!]

Her frail body began to shrivel and disintegrate into the ground as Ryan collapsed, his body and mind were completely exhausted after the interaction. It had lasted mere moments but the strength he had to exert to remain conscious and attempt to guide the mist was too much for his weak body.

Hours later, Ryan awoke to the sound of running water, or what he thought was water. Looking around made him notice a few things, one, the forest and cottage had disappeared, two, he was next to a river of literal fire and three, far off in the distance was a massive city with massive stone walls and a constant influx of demons and beasts flowing through the massive gates. After looking around for a while he noticed a distinct lack of beasts or things that might want to harm him, so he sat down an opened his notifications.

[You have awakened your second race!]