Chapter 27. First Impression.

Lights! Tall buildings!! Clubs!!! 

I couldn't stop myself from overflowing with happiness even if I wanted to, the location of the hotel and venue of the next contest was not just out of town but in the city. I beamed with joy, placing my head on the window as I stared outside with eyes that were amazed. 

"Wow!!!" I exclaimed. Like someone who had just seen the light of day. I missed all this. I couldn't be more glad to be here. "How long till we get there?" I ask the driver. 

 "Ten, twenty minutes." A rough estimate that I didn't mind. I had more time to enjoy the view all I wanted. 

At last my tour came to an end, we had finally arrived outside the hotel. It was massive and seemed high standard. I glup as I raise my head to view the never ending site and shake my head. "Nah. Let's make the most of it."