Chapter 33. Boundaries.

"Hello?!" I asked with disbelief. To think I had forgotten that I was expecting a guest, not particularly a guest but more than a guest. How was I able to forget about him so quickly, the man I patiently waited for all day and night. "When did you arrive?" 

 "Hmm." He paused. His grip became laxed but it still wasn't easy to get out of. 

He pondered about it, literally trying to remember when he arrived. "Maybe a minute ago, an hour, or maybe even earlier." He said nonchalantly and yet coldly. Did I make a mistake? Have I done something wrong? Should I ask?

 Taking deep breaths I ask the air headed Helio. "By chance, have you been here since early this morning?" Now everywhere went silent, I couldn't even hear as little as a breathing sound. If he was here since yesterday and he was aware I had a game with someone then does that mean he's been watching me all day? "Helio, have you been spying on me?"