Chapter 65. Anguish.

It took the siblings all night to leave the complicated maze, word had already spread making their escape much more complicated. There was only one gate left for them. 

Looking left and right, and holding hands together, the both of them made their way to the unguarded gate, excited, beaming with joy and the taste of freedom in their mouth, but just as they reached for the gate, Helio felt a pressure from behind pulling him, he felt his sister's hand separate from him and in an instant turned around to find Big D, holding Jasmine by the hair. "Please. Please let her go, she's sick." Helio cried. 

 "All the more reason I shouldn't let her go. There's nothing out there for you anyway, you're practically sold off. So there is no use to your return."

 "It's much better than staying in this hell hole." He said with angst. Glaring with hate at the man.