When I woke up I was in a world of pure blackness. In every direction, I look at I see only black. It is strange when you don't even see the floor on which you are standing. I feel like the thing on which I am currently standing can suddenly vanish at any moment I will fall into that seemingly endless darkness.

I am not the only thing here, however. Before me is standing some expensive-looking rectangular office desk. The desk has a wood-like pattern but it has a metallic light blue color and on it stands a dark silver Newton's cradle. Behind the desk stands a wide office chair in black and light blue colors. To the right of the table is a big light blue door with a silver door handle. Whoever this strange 'office' belongs they sure like they visitors feel awed.

"And keep them waiting," I muttered to myself. Secretly hoping that nobody heard me. Whoever uses this place is surely powerful beyond my imagination but they are still quite rude. I have been here for hours already. I don't know for how long I am stuck in this place because there isn't anything to determine time but it definitely must have been a few hours already. I feel bored, there is nothing to do.

A while ago I have tried to open the door but it didn't move even a bit. So I was stuck here waiting for someone to finally come and save me from my suffering from boredom.

I again started examining the new state of my body if this is actually still my body. I don't breathe and when I touch my chest I don't feel my heart beating. I looked at my now colorless and slightly transparent hands. My whole body is in the same condition as my hands. I must now look like a ghost. Now I wish a little to visit my father, I could give him quite a scare. That would be funny. But I doubt I would be given a chance even if it was possible.

I tested my senses next. I could see, hear and have a sense of touch. I can't smell anything so a sense of smell I don't have probably. Sense of taste I didn't test.

"Seriously, for how long do I have to wait here?" Not even a second after I uttered these words the door was kicked open with a 'bang' and a person walked in while muttering. "I hope I am not that late. Really, how could there be a system error and not being notified about a recruit? I could have planned my schedule better and wouldn't have to be interrupted while I was enjoying my afternoon nap. Ahh, my precious beauty sleep!"

It was the most beautiful woman I have seen in my life. She has a tall figure with a bountiful bosom, slender waist, and wide hips. She has dark blue colored wavy long hair reaching her butt. Enchanting jade-like pale face with a small nose and full crimson lips. She wore a black suit that perfectly hugged and highlighted her perfect figure. But her most striking features were two black curved horns on her head and her eyes with black sclera and sky blue irises.

She continued walking without looking in my way to the chair. She seated herself, put her hand on the office desk, and finally looked at me and her eyes widened slightly in surprise.

'Looks like I didn't lose my handsomeness after my death and looking like a ghost' I thought narcissistically to myself.

She looked at me for a while and the look in her eyes changed from surprise to amusement. "Well, this will be interesting." She chuckled to herself. I looked at her perplexed. "You see, you are the first formerly male soul that ever came here." She explained to me. 'So I am her first man.' I thought amusedly but kept it to myself.

"I will just take a quick look at your status to see what else is interesting about you." She waved with her hand and a paper appeared at her desk. "You can sit now please." She spoke without looking at me. Her eyes were occupied by the paper.

"But where? There is no other..." She waved her hand again and a simple wooden chair appeared before me. "...Chair here." I marveled at the show of mysterious power to summon things with a wave of my hand and sat down. I continued to silently admire her otherworldly beauty. It was not like I couldn't control my lust, it was rather like admiring a beautiful painting.

"You are interesting." She once again looked at me. "It is not that often that someone has that high compatibility with the Demon Seed. Compatibility over 90% is very very rare. And so young soul as is yours with so much soul power is almost unheard of. But this explains why you did die so young."

"What do you mean? Was my soul somehow connected to my illness?" I couldn't wait and asked her. I want to know the reason why I had suffered so much in my life.

"Your life must have been hard." She looked at me with pity. "There was a mistake in the creation of your soul and you were unlucky enough to be born in a world with frigid World Will that suppressed everything supernatural. That constant pressure you were under was the World Will. So your soul was stuck in your body with no way to express itself. That led to the destruction of your body although your soul was trying to regenerate it back. So you were in the circle of destruction and regeneration. Thanks to it your soul became even stronger and because of it you died."

I was stunned. "So you want to tell me I had to experience all that pain only because of some stupid mistake?" I felt like crying.

"Yes." Was everything she said.

"Heh. I am quite an unlucky soul then." I really felt like crying.

"But thanks to that you were lucky enough to be given a chance to be a part of something greater and a second chance to live." She stopped my musing and stood up with arms outstretched. "My name is Celine Ataraxia Frostheart, a High-Rank Demon and I sincerely welcome you to the MULTIVERSE DEMON AGENCY."


/5 minutes ago.../

(Celine Ataraxia Frostheart POV)

"Lady Celine! Lady Celine, you must wake up! It's urgent!"

I was awakened by the frantic voice of my Familiar Felix. Felix is a small purple winged cat with three multicolored eyes that have been serving me as my Familiar since the times I was still a Low-Rank Demon. So for about five hundred years.

He is a usefull helper with the strength equivalent to a Middle-Rank Demon and he is one of few of my true friends. Though he can be sometimes quite a bother.

"What is happening? I told you to never bother me during my naps so give me a good reason to not freeze you into an ice cube." I hissed at him with a badly hidden irritation in my voice. He paled and quickly replied to me. "No no no! This is really important. There was a slight error in the recruitment system for new Demons and now there is new recruit waiting in your office. They have been waiting there for a few hours already."

"What? How could there be an error in the system?" I was surprised. Every system in our Agency should be perfect without any chance of error.

"That's not important right now. You must hurry Lady Celine or if the Boss heard that you left s new recruit waiting you would be in big trouble." It was now my turn to pale in fright. I don't want to be at mercy of my Boss. That sadistic Succubus will surely use it as a reason to toughly 'punish' me.

"That can't happen! I have to hurry."

"Oh and Lady Celine. That new recruit is rather different from the rest. Maybe it is because of the error." Felix added before I hurriedly teleported before my office door and kicked them open. I walked to my chair and seated myself on my chair and put my arms on my desk. I finally looked at the person standing before me and I couldn't but open my eyes in surprise.

It is a formerly male soul and this much soul power from the young soul that is radiating from him. A soul around rank A or maybe even rank S. That is why Felix said that he is rather different from the rest. "Well, this will be interesting." I couldn't help it and chuckle to myself.