Short and small-bodied, this bronze-skinned man has a murderous feel about him, and he has a large birthmark on his torso which offends him if he is asked about it.

His short, curly, orange hair is unconventionally styled.

He has cold, small, gray eyes, a round chin, and a long face.

He has slanted shoulders, a thin torso with no chest muscle tone and a straight waist, long arms, and soft hands.

Furthermore, he often wears unwashed, inappropriate clothes that are mostly earth-colored and revealing. He is usually seen wearing a specific sarong.



Iberia Williams, 52.

Neutral toward the MC

Involved in something illegal.


Cortez Palos, 55.

Very close to the MC

Emotionally unstable; a source of conflict in the family.


Brothers: 1

Estévan, 24 (Sick)

Likes the MC

A bully as a child; kinder as an adult.

No Sisters

2 Nephews

(Brother) Estévan (24) | Sons: 2

Bienvenido, 0

Likes the MC


Fico, 4

Gets on well with the MC

Job Specifications








Full-Time Work

Hours Per Week:


Hourly Rate:

$8.87 / £6.20

Per Annum Approx:

$13,837 / £9,672

Distance From Home:

8.2 miles (13.2 km) / 13.2 km

Employee Benefits





Unpaid Holiday:

0 days

Paid Holiday:

22 days

Parental Leave:






Sick Leave:

23 days


Equal Opportunities:


Company Morality:


Worker Satisfaction:


Company Reputation:







Neither leader nor follower

Confidence / Ego:



A team player




Does not finish what they start



Emotional capacity:






Activeness / Lifestyle:


Current emotional state:



Saeki Akeno our MC spoke.

"After the advancements in technology, there was a major loss of jobs until a strange and mysterious company released the game God's Ascension"

"It is about to open"

"Luckily, I installed my pod earlier"

Saeki said.

Saeki then checked the fluid bank and other things with his pad before opening the pod lid and going inside, then closing the lid.

[Welcome player #000000000001]

[Being the First Player, you are granted:

+5 sub-class slots

1 random piece of God's Equipment

10,000 Gold

High stats(2x—5x)

Premium VIP

+10 Relation points with all non-hostile NPCs

Unique God-Grade Class

Master gift bag x5

Unique Faction [token]

3 Unique God-Grade skills (Relating to class and faction)

Buff: 250% Better loot drops{Permanent}

Passive Skills x2]

Saeki was shocked, but quickly got over it and created his character before logging on.

[Avatar: Paragon]{🔯 Premium VIP}

[Kingdom: Victory]

[Title: God of Supremacy]

[Race: Godkin]

[Faction: Divinity{Neutral}]

[Racial Main Class:

God of Endless Gluttony: Level-1]

[Racial Sub-classes:

— None

— None

— None

— None

— None

— None

— None

— None

— None]

[Exp: 0/250]


[Mp: 2,500/2,500]

[Mp recovery speed: 50 per/sec]

[Hp recovery speed: 50 per/sec]

[Physical attack power: 50]

[Physical Defence: 50]

[Magical Defence: 50]

[Speed: 50mph (80.47 km/h)]

[Strength: 10]

[Agility: 10]

[Endurance: 10]

[Intelligence: 10]

[Vitality: 100]

[Attribute points: 0]

[Passive Skills:

Divine Swordsmanship-Every time you swing the sword the damage is multiplied times 2{Limit none}

Divine Eye-The user can tell if someone or something is hostile. Can see treasures in a 5km radius, can see through any illusions, etc.]


(God-Grade)Divine Arch-Summons a sphere that envelopes every monster in a 35 meters radius and deals 200% true damage for 5 seconds. CD: 5secs|{Grows in power and range along with the user.

(God Grade)Divine Cutt-Slash at the opponent as white holy light envelopes your sword for 5 minutes allowing the user to launch a series of attacks dealing 1000% true damage. CD: 45secs|{Grows in power, time limit, and range along with the user.

(God Grade)Divine Blessing-The user is enveloped in a holy and divine light that acts as armor giving the user +50 in both magical and physical defense along with a 500% boost in all stats for 10 minutes. CD: 5mins|{Grows in power, time limit, and range along with the user.

[Equipment: Short Sword{Venuzdonoa}]


Weapon Type: All Change

Current Form: Short Sword

Grade: God{Grow along with user}

Level: 10

Rarity: Unobtainable

Attack: 15~25 damage

Durability: Infinite

Weight: 36kg

minimum-level required: 1

Effects: +5 all stats minus Strenght

Special effects: Being a Divine all-changing tool/weapon/etc. Deal 0.1% more true damage per hit.]


[Currency:0 copper coins, 0 silver coins, 10000 gold coins]

"What is God of Endless Gluttony class?


Grade: God

Rarity: Unique(You are the only person with this class)

Description: Every time you kill an enemy either player, NPC, or mob you will have a 100% to gain double the EXP, a 20% chance to gain 5% of stats, and a 5% to gain a skill.


"I am op and don't I also have 3 master gift bags"

[Detected 3 master gift bags do you wish to open them?]


[Opened master gift bags x3 obtained:

Low-Grade HP potions x15

Low-Grade MP potions x15

Gold Coins x50

Rare lv 10 Common-Grade Mana Sword


"I am stacked now I should go do a Quest"

Saeki said with the world's biggest smile.

Saeki walked to the closet NPC which was a man with a very realistic goatee.

NPC-Hello Young Man I am Village Cheif Kanon.

NPC-Since you look like a very strong young man I would like to ask you to kill 5 Abyssal Hounds and bring back their hide.


Kill 5 Abyssal Hounds and bring back their hide to the Village Chief.[0% Done]

Rewards: +0.001 Reputation points, Iron Sword, 25 Copper, 5 hard bread

Time limit: Before Sun Down!!!

(Penalty: Minus 2 stat points from a random stat)


Saeki saw the forest and walked towards it and stepped out of the safe zone.

After walking for a few seconds it was not long before he heard a growl.

[Abyssal Hound]

HP: 200/200

MP: 50/50

Defense: 5(1 point in defense equals 2 less points of damage)

Attack: 5~15 damage

Speed: 65mph[104.607 km/h]

Abilities: Survival, Magic Sense, Magic Resistance, Stealth, Howl, Track]

Saeki pulls out his sword as he looks around as a shadow leaped at him. He swung his sword and the sword sent the hound flying.

-75 Damage

The Hound covered by darkness revealed its zombie-like face as it Howled two more hounds jumped at him from behind but with his passive abilities saw it coming.

-150 Damage

-150 Damage

Saeki then stabs the sword into the ground creating a crater and taunting the beasts who mindlessly attacked but Saeki quickly analyzed the situation and ducked underneath the two wolves and punched upwards.

-50 damage

-50 damage

Saeki was hit in the back by the attack of the first hound.

-0 damage(Defense is too high)

Saeki turned around and grabbed the neck of the hound and then stood up and took up his sword then throws the hound into the air then points his sword at it.

"Divine Arch"

[Casted Unobtainable God-Grade skill Divine Arch, minus 75 mp]

Suddenly a silver holy bubble enveloped the hound as it slowly disintegrated.

-100 dps

-100 dps

-100 dps

-100 dps

-100 dps

(Triple Kill)

(Over Kill)

[Killed 3 Abyssal Hounds obtained:

Abyss wolf hide x9

330 exp

+5 all stats]

(Level Up)

A golden aura enveloped Saeki as he felt stronger.

[Avatar: Paragon]{🔯 Premium VIP}

[Kingdom: Victory]

[Title: God of Supremacy]

[Race: Godkin]

[Faction: Divinity{Neutral}]

[Racial Main Class:

God of Endless Gluttony: Level-2]

[Racial Sub-classes:

— None

— None

— None

— None

— None

— None

— None

— None

— None]

[Exp: 0/1,200]


[Mp: 4,000/4,000]

[Mp recovery speed: 65 per/sec]

[Hp recovery speed: 65 per/sec]

[Physical attack power: 80]

[Physical Defence: 80]

[Magical Defence: 80]

[Speed: 80mph (128.75 km/h)]

[Strength: 16] |+| |-|

[Agility: 16] |+| |-|

[Endurance: 16] |+| |-|

[Intelligence: 16] |+| |-|

[Vitality: 106] |+| |-|

[Attribute points: 2]

[Passive Skills:

Divine Swordsmanship-Every time you swing the sword, the damage is multiplied times 2{Limit none}

Divine Eye-The user can tell if someone or something is hostile. Can see treasures in a 5km radius, can see through any illusions, etc.]


(God-Grade)Divine Arch-Summons a sphere that envelopes every monster in a 35 meters radius and deals 200% true damage for 5 seconds. CD: 5secs|{Grows in power and range along with the user.

(God Grade)Divine Cutt-Slash at the opponent as white holy light envelopes your sword for 5 minutes allowing the user to launch a series of attacks dealing 1000% true damage. CD: 45secs|{Grows in power, time limit, and range along with the user.

(God Grade)Divine Blessing-The user is enveloped in a holy and divine light that acts as armor giving the user +50 in both magical and physical defense along with a 500% boost in all stats for 10 minutes. CD: 5mins|{Grows in power, time limit, and range along with the user.

[Equipment: Short Sword{Venuzdonoa}]


[Currency:0 copper coins, 0 silver coins, 10000 gold coins]



[Nature Corruption](Mutated)

HP: 800/800

MP: 5,000/5,000

Defense: 8(1 point in defense equals 2 fewer points of damage)

Attack: 20~52 damage

Speed: 75mph

Abilities: Survival, Magic Sense, Magic Resistance, Nature's Furry, Nature's protection, Corrupt, Body Recreation, Hive Mind, Spore, Wisdom]

"Huh isn't this creature too difficult, I will kill it before the players arrive"

Saeki said.

"It seems to have a regenerative skill, inspect"

[Body Recreation~User can recreate their bodies completely if damaged beyond normal regeneration limits, either by changing the conceptual nature of their body or simply by creating or recreating their entire body from scratch. Allowing them to bypass/ignore the damage caused by skills, effects, etc. such as Severing, Healing Factor Nullification, etc. Each time its body is recreated it becomes stronger by five times]

"What if I obliterated it in only one move"

"Divine Blessing"

Saeki said as a silver transparent armor appeared covering Saeki.

"Now for Divine Arch"

Saeki said as the humanoid tree beast was enveloped in a silver ball of divine energy.

-800 dps

-800 dps

-800 dps

-800 dps

-800 dps

The ball disappeared revealing a crater that was leaving white smoke.