A Man Named Francis

"Mr.Lutkins ,... due to lack of time last time we had to postpone our talk. ...We should continue from where we last left"

Luscious spoke, his voice dull. Sitting on the black office chair staring down at trembling Bloodwork he looked like some judge about to deliver judgement to a criminal.

Finally with a lot of efforts Bloodwork gathered all his courage to say something....

"Why are you doing this..... What do you want, I will give it to you... anything... "

He sobbed, but still his mind running at top Gear, trying to come up with something to get out of here. Even when he had lost all hia limbs he knew that with technology and help of some supers in medical field his lost arms can be returned, money was not a problem for him. His will to live was still strong. ...

Lucious just tilted his head in responce... and without saying anything he just stared at Bloodwork for a whole minute. A whole minute of entire silence in which Bloodwork just stared, his gaze changing between Lucious and Lester who was currently looking at Lucious from the corner of his eyes.

"This is going ... nowhere..... It seems like you do not understand you situation Mr. Lutkins"

Lucious finally broke the silence. His figure still, his head leaning to the side. His deep red eye piercing Bloodwork's soul. As he spoke other than his lips no other part of his body made any moment.

"You... You know... I am with him..... With Francis. .... He can give you anything... He has a ton of money... beautiful women too.... You can even get some of those supers from the Tv..what do you call them.....the idols....he has a....."

Bht it seemed that Bloodwork was a little slow to catch up on the situation.

Before he could continue further he felt somethinh trickling down his face it was warm and thick, crawling on his skit it soon reached his nose. Not having limbs he was unable to wipe his face so he jerked his face downwards. Drops of dark red viscous liquid fell on the floor.

It was blood.

And then the pain came. Pain of the new scar he just gained. Even after having lost half of his body he was not yet accustomed to pain. He never needed to, he was Francis's right hand man, he always had all the Luxury and comfort he could desire of and all he had to do for that was just do what francis told him to do. His only job was to some tasks that Francis rarely gave to him the tasks were certain risky but it was worth for the mobey.

It was due to one of those tasks that he took the blame of those 89 deaths on himself...yes he did not actually massacre those people, how could he..even if it was considered S grade his ability was still just illusions. It was not battle oriented, it just helped him in escaping from the CCD.

As for the mission he was told that he just needed to go to the prison with the CCD after the battle in Seattle city. He had to stay there for a day or two after that he was to be rescued by Francis's men.

However that did not happened. Here he was screaming in pain, rolling on the ground in misery, waving stomps of his long lost limbs.

"You just need to answer my questions.... Mr. Lutkins... you don't need tk do anything else. "

Lucious spoke, his head returining to it's natural position. He raised one of his fingers....

"Please dono do it sir, he has lost too much blood... If he loses any more... He would die"

Lester, who has been quite all this time, gulping down his own saliva finally decided to speak. It was not like he cared for Bloodwork or had any problem with the pure act of brutality in front of him, he was already used to it.. ... Before comming here he has quite a job one can say. It was just that he did not want the blood to spill of the floor, if it did he had to clean if up himself, there were no servants down here after all.

And also what he said was true, Bloodwork has lost too much blood, even if he was a super he would die from this much blood loss.

Lucious put his finger down...he could not kill Bloodwork yet ... he still needed answers.

"Mr.Lutkins.. . . Let's start with the first question... Who is this Francia you speek of ?"

Lucious asked, just his words were enough to bring Bloodworl back to his senses. Burying the screams of agony inside he finally decided to finally answer.

"He ... He is my partner.... or rather my.. my boss. I work for him... "

He spoke, laying on the floor on his chest, struggling to look up.

"Please be more specific Mr. Lutkins...please elaborate this boss of yours".

Lucious spoke..... not showing anything at the useless piece of information. It was obvious by now that Bloodwork worked for this Francis guy. He had been singing from the moment he met him after all.

"He....what can i even tell... He does not meet us..I have never seen his face nor have I met him in person..He never shows his face.....I only know his name...He gives up orders on the call. We just need to do as he says and the money gets delivered in our bank account."

He replied.. his fear for his life through the roof. Screw fancis, if this guy in front of him decided to kill him just now what could Francis possibly do, he was not even here. He was doing his best to please the young man in hope of getting out from here alive.

"...Us..... how many people other than you work for him.. Mr. Lutkins"

Lucious spoke, leaning back on the chair. His red eye still fixed on the victim of brutality in front of him.

"I... I don't know... J just know that there are more.... He assigns alphabets to each one of us.. ... I was alphabet A"

Bloodwork revealed another crutial piece of information. He was revealing the information in layers so jn case he gets out of here, he would not be killed by Francis for revealing too much info.

"So.... Basically you don't know anything about this Francis person"

But not seeing any change on face of the person in front of him, his resolve and hope both started to dissipate.

"I... I can tell you.... about... "

Lucious however did not heed his words, he stood up from his cair and walked up to mutilated Bloodwork.

"Mr.Lutkins ... Enough talk about your boss..... From your words it seems you don't know anything about him... Now tell me who was fighting with CCD squad 2 in Seattle..... You cannot even handel one of them with your power... Let be a whole squad.... Including her... The second squad captain.... "

and then something suddenly came to Bloodworl, his eyes once again dispayling his thoughts.... he had hope... hope that this last piece of information might save his life

"Ye .....yes... In Seattle... ... I remember now.... he was there... Francis"