Chapter 3

"it's simple really" I said "I'm a hybrid between a wolf.... and a witch" I said with a slight smile.

"that's not possible" he said shock in his eyes. "neither is this child yet here we are" I replied "but how?" he asked releasing me. "we're not sure exactly the only conclusion we can come up with is that one of our relatives was a witch and never said anything" my father cut in "but even still you would think a witch bloodline would've showed up in more then just her" he continued.

"why are you even telling me this" Leo asked. "because you deserve to know" I said. "believe it or not I had no intention for any of this, but now here we are and it's obvious that this child was meant to live" I said looking at the ground. "until the child is born I will act as if I was it's father but if the results come back that I am not I will leave and act as if none of this happened is that understood" Leo said.

"so be it" my father replied "when is it due?" Leo asked. "October" I said "so we have 6 months" Leo said sitting down. "what the plan now?" he asked. "the only thing that can be done is to prepare for it to arrive and go from there" I said sitting down in the chair beside him.

he sighed "I don't trust a normal doctor, so I'm going to have one of my own come here and keep an eye on you she's a witch so she'll be able to determine the gender bloodline and much more, if that's alright with you" he said looking at me.

"whatever makes you more comfortable" I said "for now I'll keep this under raps from my pack until it's born but with this news I don't have a choice but to tell my packs council" Leo said standing up.

"as expected we'll be in contact as things progress" my father said standing up and shaking his hand "it was nice to meet you miss Myers" he said looking down on me. "just call me Evelyn" I said and he nodded "see you soon then Evelyn" he said then walked out of the office closing the door behind him.

"well that was stressful" I said leaning back in my chair "went better then I thought if you ask me" my father replied.

after that day things only got more chaotic. another 2 months passed and my belly only got bigger. we slowly began to prepare for the babies arrival but it seemed as if the universe kept stopping us.

somehow other packs found out about my child's possible existence. this caused controversy among wolves, some feared it's existence, some wanted the possible power it could bring and some thought it was a gift from the goddess.

but one night in particular, that was the night that showed me just how much other wolves truly feared my future child.

June 10th 20XX 2:04AM

I was sleeping peacefully dreaming of holding my child in my arms with my family around me, all of us happy, when suddenly I woke up. there were two men in my room one holding my mouth closed and keeping my hands tied while the other held a knife to my stomach.

"we don't want to kill you" the one whispered in my ear "we just want to get rid of the child" he continued. fear crept into my heart as I began to think about them hurting my child. it wasn't born yet but there was already this bond, this love I had for it. I couldn't let this happen, I couldn't lose my child.

~dad.... dad please wake up.... please Daddy help me~ I linked my father as tears began to fill my eyes suddenly my door burst open and there stood my father.

"take a single step and I kill her" the one man who had a knife to my belly said as he moved the knife up to my throat. 'this would've been a great time to use those stupid witch abilities if I had learned to use them' I thought to myself.

"if I were you I'd let go of my sister" I heard my brothers voice from behind me 'when did he get there' I thought to myself as the two me looked behind me in shock.

at that moment my father grabbed the one with the knife snapping his neck as my brother did the same with the other and I got out of his grasp falling onto the floor away from the two bodies. the tears that were once filling my eyes finally came out as I began to cry from fear I had just felt.

my brother hugged me holding onto me in a comforting manner as I continued to cry "it's a okay your safe now" he said continuing to hug me as I could sense my mother's and sisters presence in the door way of my room.

unfortunately that was only the first of the multiple attempts to kill the pup. after that both my father and Leo set up security to protect me around the clock.

time continued to move once again, it wasn't until I was 8 months along that I finally met the witch Leo was talking about.

September 20th 20XX

"You must be Evelyn, it's a pleasure to meet you" a tall woman with chestnut colored hair hazel eyes and tan skin said with a smile as she stood on my porch. "I'm sorry but who are you?" I asked confused. "oh I'm sorry, I'm Dr. Jessica Smith the doctor Alpha Leonardo sent over to examine you" she said kindly "but you can just call me Jess" she continued "oh I'm sorry he didn't mention you coming today, please come in" I said moving out of her way to let her in.

"oh no that's my fault I might not have given him much of a notice" she said entering the house.


my phone suddenly started vibrating. Leo was calling me. I quickly answered "hey what's up?"I said "the doctor I called should be arriving any second" he said quickly "yeah she's kinda already here" I replied he sighed "of course she is" he said slightly annoyed "just get you ass over here" I said and hung up not giving him anytime to respond.

"so shall we sit and talk while we wait" she said with a light smile.

To Be Continued