
~Donley's perspective~

As the wisps approached Kai, one of them got in an attack - right before Kai quick stepped.

"Oh, he has the quick step ability? Cool… but that won't help him." he smiled devilishly as he watched from behind a tree.

"Still, it was a good use of quick step…" he sighed "Well, I better kill him before it's cooldown is finished."

Donley snuck up behind Kai, brandishing his hatchet.

It was a low level hatchet, so it didn't do much damage, but with Donley's [Savage strike] skill, it did double damage.

*Skruu~* he plunged the hatchet right into Kai's back.

"Sorry, nothing personal kid."

Kai turned around with a look of disbelief on his face. Donley almost felt like laughing.

"Thanks for weakening them for me."

Donley used his triple strike ability as he slashed at Kai, easily killing him.

"Now, for the wisps."

Donley ended the first wisp in a single strike, getting the exp and then turning to the next one.

Kai got no exp since Donley had disbanded the party when he was distracted.

"Damn, not quite enough to level up." a little disappointed after killing Kai and the first wisp, he hoped the second would level him up.

The second wisp had 8 health, and as Donley killed it, he took 5 damage.

However, killing it caused a level up - but the damage didn't matter, as the level up replenished his health to full.

This was a standard part of levelling up in Slay Online. Your health and mana will be replenished to 100%.

"Phew, now…the loot." Donley looked over Kai's backpack and looted it.

A backpack was what a player left behind when they died - filled with items that they dropped.

[Leather Boots]

"What the? He only dropped one item? But he had like… 4 equipped? I'm sure it was at least 4?" He looked around once more but the backpack was gone - automatically disappearing since there were no items left in it.

Donley was confused, but he took the boots and equipped them anyway.

"An extra 5 health, a level up, and two easy kills. I guess I can't complain" he smiled.

"I guess I should go back and do some normal quests or find some other noob to own."

- - -

~Kai's perspective~

"Ok I'm getting closer… Usually bullies aren't that smart. They think they're untouchable. He will definitely walk this way - unless the quest was real, but I doubt it…"

Kai crouched down low next to a massive tree root.

"How will I… Oh, I know." he took his heavy crossbow off his back. Suddenly, he wasn't able to stand up. Kai wondered how he would kill Donley, but remembered his heavy crossbow did a stupid-amount of damage.

"Wow, I see what they mean by immobile." he thought with a smile as he held it, feeling the weight and strength behind it.

"Now, all I have to do it wait… and then I'll use that heavy shot ability for double damage."

The heavy crossbow bolts were as long as Kai's leg and made from iron with massive steel tips. There was no fletching as it simply wouldn't make a difference to these large bolts.

Kai had to load it by pulling the drawstring back with two hands.

After a small struggle, it was ready.

Kai rested it on his knee and sat on his other leg. He was close to where he died, and assumed that Donley would walk back on the same path.

Sure enough, he saw Donley walking - though something weird stood out. The light that Kai saw earlier was actually like a homing beacon which was right on Donley.

"Hmm, so I can track him if he kills me?" Kai raised a brow, but was focused as he aimed his bow quietly.

"Just a little more…" Donley was getting closer, and the closer he got, the more likely Kai was to hit his target.

"A little more…" Kai had remained quiet all this time, and Donley didn't even realise he was there.

Kai was only 20 meters away when Donley finally passed by a bush and gave Kai a clear line of sight.


*PTUNGG!" the heavy crossbow kicked back into Kai, making him fall over from the force of the bolt. Kai activated [Heavy Shot] right before firing, giving the bolt a red glow.

A stream of red flashed across the trees and the glowing bolt planted itself right through Donley's chest - but it picked Donley up and impaled him into the ground.


The massive blot flew across the forest and pierced right into Donley's arm - continuing into his ribcage and out the other side. His internal organs were shredded and his lungs filled with blood.

"AHH!!! WHAH!?" He was in extreme pain, he yelled out with his final breath before dying.

Kai jumped over the massive root and ran to him as he called out.

"Nothing personal kid!" he smiled condescendingly.

*Spoit!~* Kai spat right in Donley's face before he disappeared.

[50 Exp]

[Level up!]

Donley was full of anger for a moment before he died, not even realising what happened until he respawned.

All he knew was that he was pinned to a tree with a large metal spike, dying painfully in one hit before disappearing.

"Heh, I even spat right in his face!" Kai felt completely satisfied as he got his revenge.

"And that was a sticky one too!" he thought with a smile.

To Kai, this was a liberating moment, his first step to standing up for himself. This small thing was the seed which would become his self confidence.

Kai's eyes looked around after Donley disappeared to respawn. Left behind was a large blood-covered bolt and a backpack.


Kai had a peek into the backpack, but before his eyes his inventory screen opened itself up along with another one which showed the contents of the backpack.

"What the? Oh… cool." Kai scanned the inventory of the bag. Since he just killed someone with a soul-killer mark, they dropped 100% of the equipped items.

"Oh, some boots? Hmm, I already have boots…"

Kai looked at his feet…

"Wait, what happened to my boots?"

Kai wasn't sure where his boots went - he didn't un-equip them after all.

"Hmm, I guess I'll take your boots… Well… I'll take everything actually." Kai thought with a laugh.

"Maybe I can sell this for some gold…"

Realising he was still in the dark forest, he decided to head back to the town before checking his loot.