
Walking into the eastern district, Yang Ze felt the changes in his surroundings. The more he walked towards the Hua family manor, the more changes he felt. These changes were not limited to the smell or hearing but also included sight.

Compared to the red buildings that he saw just after entering the city, the buildings here were made up of wood only. Yang Ze didn't know how they made it, but there was no trace of any stones or mud on the walls. The wood they used seemed to be different from other woods too. While most of the wood would dry up after being cut down, the wood here retained its green appearance, thus giving this section of the city a more natural feeling.

Inhaling a deep breath of air, Yang Ze felt like he was inside a forest without any human interface.

"The surroundings are quiet too."

Even though the number of people here wasn't any less, there was no noise. It felt eerie calm. Yang Ze paused for a moment before making his way toward the nearest vendor.

"One bread and a pint of milk, please."

Sitting on the green wooden chair that was just placed outside the green wooden stall, Yang Ze made his order.

In the food stalls, the business around this hour was quite low. Perhaps this was the reason, he was served his order in less than a minute.


Giving out a piece of silver, Yang Ze started having his breakfast. Even though there were two meals provided by the inn, he didn't want to waste much time there.

"Erm, sir I don't have any changes."

Looking at the silver piece, the stall owner was embarrassed. The cost of this meal was 3 copper coins. Taking away the three coins, he needed to give him 47 copper coins. At this time when the business just started, it was impossible to get this sum of money.


Yang Ze was silent for a short moment before breaking out in a smile.

"Don't mind it. You can keep it. In return, how about you answer some of my questions?"

"Sure. If there's anything I know, I will tell you."

With a flattering smile, the stall owner sat on the chair in front of Yang Ze. It was not every day that he could earn a silver coin just for one serving of breakfast. With no other customer, he was more than happy to entertain such a generous guest.

"Why is this part of the city all green and that part red?"

The stall owner was stunned for a moment before breaking out with a smile. He was prepared to meet some difficult questions, but this was the most common knowledge.

At this moment he observed Yang Ze again. Looking at the black mask he was wearing and the food that was left untouched, he sighed and started speaking again.

"I guess this is your first time here. Almost every person who comes to this city for the first time has the same question as you."

With a short pause, he continued.

"It's been more than five hundred years since the city of Ignis was established. In the beginning, this used to be the meeting point of traders within a five-hundred-mile radius. People from various places used to come and trade here. Over time the small place of gathering turned into a small village and then into a small city."

"In time, this small town became the hot potato in the eyes of many others. Controlling it means immense profits and a monopoly on the market. So, influential families started occupying the business in this area. Needless to say, where there are profits, there are conflicts. Soon the city was clouded in the bloodbath. Every day there were hundreds of people dying. The situation turned from bad to worse. In the end, the situation turned so bad that only a few strong souls were willing to trade here."

At this moment the stall owner went silent. After taking a long breath he continued.

"Looking at the situation getting worse, the various families were worried too. Not only were they losing people in this conflict, but they also were not getting any profits. So after making a decision, the five strongest families from the various areas were selected. These families not only represent themselves but also the people of their region."

"At that time, the five selected families formed an alliance, and thus this city of Ignis was born. The five families not only brought peace to this place, but they also brought their culture with them. The red buildings that you saw; that is the area controlled by the Xu family, that is a family that represents the desert area. Those houses are made from the red stones that are found only there."

"This place, where you are standing right now in, is the area controlled by the Hua family. They come from the northern mountains. The green woods that you are seeing are the evergreen trees found only there."

"The west area of the town is under the Chen family. They are from the tundra swamps. That place doesn't have much vegetation but is abundant in minerals. Their houses are made up of yellow minerals. I don't know what that is, but you can ask them."

"In the north of the city lies the Li family. They represent the grasslands. Out of all the families here, their houses are the ones made up of wood and stones. The place they are from has a variety of animals, you can see all kinds of exotic animals there."

"And the last place is the southern-east area of that city which is controlled by the Long family. In the entire Ignis city, that is the most beautiful place. The entire place is built up of blue marble. You see, these marbles are from the bottom of the sea. And the Long family represents people from the seaside. It is said that the place they live in is surrounded by many lakes, rivers, and the sea."

During this entire time, both the store owner and Yang Ze were lost in thoughts.


With a smile, Yang Ze slid the mask so that only his mouth was visible. After eating his breakfast, he stood up and slowly made his way toward the Hua family with a newfound perspective.



Looking at the stall owner who shouted to him in a low voice, Yang Ze was confused for a moment.

"Every year there is an art and crafts festival in the city. There are various precious things that are placed there. You should visit this time's festival too."

Thinking for a while Yang Ze nodded.

"Great. It will start next month. I hope we will meet again."

With a smile on his face, the stall owner made his way back into the stall where some customers have arrived and were waiting to be served.

Perhaps it was due to the silver he gave him, or perhaps it was due to his simplicity. But the first impression that the people of this city gave Yang Ze was an expression that was full of kindness.

"A pretty good start to a new day."