
"You are kidding, right?"

The first thought that came to his mind was that Yang Yuanzhen was joking with him. After all, this was the most precious technique of the Yang family. They won't be stupid enough to just give it to the Martial Academy.

"Sigh... I didn't want to tell you, but since you are my son, you have the right to know." There was a trace of guilt in his voice. Speaking these words, he didn't dare make eye contact with Yang Ze.

"You see, it is really difficult to join the Martial Academy. Unless you can pull some strings, it is extremely difficult to take an admission test, much less get a quota for direct admission."

Taking a deep breath, his eyes gazed into the distance.

"This time, the four families of the Yuyang City offered their family inheritance in order to get this quota and a slim chance of hope to step into the Innate realm."

"I have already reached the limit of my potential. Unless I get help from them, it is nigh impossible to step into the innate in this life."

His every word was filled with helplessness. No one wants to give up their family heritage to others. It was just that, the offer they received from the academy was really lucrative. So much so, that they couldn't even think of rejecting it.

"I see." Yang Ze who was now slowly becoming clear about things nodded his head.

"Wait, did you make a copy of it or not?" This was the first thought that came to his mind. Surely his father won't be this stupid as to give up the only secret technique of the family and not even keep a copy.

"I don't have a copy, but I do remember the entire Seaheart Art."

Listening to him, Yang Ze finally sighed in relief. If there was no sixth volume, he had to think of a way to grab it from the Xuanwu Academy, and if that was not possible, then he would have had to find a different secret technique to progress further.

"Great. Can you write it down for me?" Eyes filled with expectations, Yang Ze smiled at his father.

Yang Yuanzhen didn't ask him why he needed the sixth volume. In his eyes, Yang Ze couldn't even practice the first volume much less the sixth. It was perhaps just a thing to satisfy his vanity.

"You will get the sixth volume and the spirit stones after your marriage." The reply was short but firm.

"Hmmm." Yang Ze went deep in thought. To him, there were two options. The first one was to directly take the Seaheart Art from the Xuanwu Academy. But this means going to war against them.

For him, going against an enemy which he knew nothing about, was foolishness. It is said, that there are many innate realm experts in the Martial Academy. To him who was still in the Qi Guiding realm, this wasn't even a war, but a one-sided beating from the academy.

And the second option for him was to agree with his father. This way he could get not only the sixth layer of the Seaheart Art but also the spirit stones. To him, this was a win-win situation.


Shaking his head, Yang Ze stood up and walked towards the exit.

"Wait, one more thing."


"The marriage will take place after the entrance exam. You don't have to go back to Darati till then. In the meantime, you are free to do as you please."

With these final words, he put down the cup of tea and closed his eyes.

Yang Ze stared at him for one last time before walking out of the room. The purpose of this visit could be said to be fulfilled.




"Damn, where were you? I've been waiting for you for like past two hours." As soon as Yang Ze reached back home, he was greeted by a voice that was filled with complaints.

"Weren't you the one who left me alone?" Looking at Yang Che, he shook his head. He didn't know why, but this annoying guy was everywhere.

"Nevermind... I just got some herbs for myself." Shaking his head, Yang Che replied in a hasty tone before looking at him excitedly.

"There is a play going on in the inner city, let's go."

"Oh yeah? But I am afraid I can't..." Before he could finish his sentence, Yang Che pulled him toward the centre of the city.


By the time both of them reached the centre of the city, there was already a crowd gathered there. People from all walks of life were standing there excitedly.

One look at them and Yang Ze could make out most of them to be warriors and cultivators.

"Why are there so many cultivators here? Shouldn't they all practice? I mean the test is like two days later."

"Tomorrow." Yang Che snorted before speaking further. "The test is tomorrow. And we are humans too. We also need to relax and have some fun."

"This here is a great way of reliving our nervousness and stress."

"Aaaah, I see." Nodding his head, Yang Ze went silent. It was at this moment he realized that this was a world that was far too backwards in terms of entertainment. The only source of entertainment here was the story told by the storytellers and the occasional plays performed by a group of actors. There weren't any televisions or mobile phones, so people had a limited range of options.

"Let me grab some tickets and snacks." Rushing into the crowd, Yang Che returned after a few minutes with two wooden tokens in his hand along with a paper bag full of fruits.

"Let's go." Without any further due, both of them rushed towards the stadium where the plays were occasionally held.

"Come fast." Rushing to the front seat, Yang Che sat down with great excitement.

'This guy. Why is he this excited?' There was a puzzled look on Yang Ze's face. He looked at him like he was looking at a completely different person. Who would have thought that a man like Yang Che would be so interested in watching dramas?

Taking his seat just beside him, Yang Ze took a deep breath. This was his first time participating in something like this. In his previous life, he never went to see a live performance. So, this was a completely new experience for him. It wouldn't be wrong to say that he was feeling a little excited.

By the time it took a cup of tea to finish, the stadium was already full. And a few minutes later, the play started.


The play opens with the introduction of a King. The king has won many battles and has now proclaimed himself as an emperor. After becoming an emperor, he finally marries the princess of another country.

As the play progressed, the life of the emperor and his wife along with some small conflicts slowly unfolded before the audience.

A few years later, his first child is born. The entire empire begins to celebrate the arrival of their prince. Though it was the greatest happiness of his life, the news about his wife's death during childbirth soon turns all the happiness into sorrow,

Heartbroken, the emperor indulges himself in wine and war.

Years pass, and the small prince grows up to be a handsome young man whose appearance wins the hearts of many young maidens.

Not only the prince was handsome, but he was also talented in a variety of skills. Literature, music, dance, fighting; there wasn't anything that he didn't master.

The emperor who loved his son dearly never took another wife. To him, his son was everything he could have asked for.

While both the father and the son are living peacefully, a beautiful courtesan comes to the palace. Her beauty was enough to capture the heart of most men, and the young prince who was inexperienced in the way of love soon lost his heart to her.

Days passed and the love between the two blossomed. From small meetings in secret to a walk around the garden. They were enjoying each other's company.

But alas! Just as paper couldn't hold the fire, the walls of the castle couldn't stop the rumours of these two.

Soon the emperor also came to know about this affair. Furious, he ordered his son to forget about the lowly woman. It was detrimental to his position as a future emperor.

Disgusted by his father's reasoning, the prince refused his order.

Soon the disagreement between the father and son escalated into an all-out argument. In his anger, the emperor ordered the courtesan to be imprisoned. Enraged by his father's order, the prince left the kingdom and gathered his own forces.

Soon, the father and son started a war. If the father won, the son would have to accept all his father's demands and if he won, then he could do anything he wanted to.

The war went on for months. But alas, the young prince was after all too inexperienced. He might have read and remembered many things, but applying them in battle was a task more difficult than climbing heaven.

Continuous fighting, lack of moral support, and dwindling supplies ultimately led to his defeat.

In the end, the prince was captured alive and brought in front of the emperor bound in chains.

The emperor didn't speak a word to his son. Though he was satisfied with his victory, there was no joy. This bloodbath between a father and a son all happened because of that damned courtesan, so he ordered his men to immurement her.

And so it began, in front of the young prince, the men built a circular stone wall around the courtesan and sealed her alive inside a pillar.

The play ended with the emperor sitting silently and a prince who sat there like a statue bounded by chains.





The theatre was instantly filled with sobs and curses. People cried at the tragedy of the young prince and cursed the emperor for being so stubborn.

"Well, that was good." The performance was outside of Yang Ze's expectations. He went in without any hopes and came out impressed.

"What do you think Yang Che?"


After not getting any response, Yang Ze moved his head to look at Yang Che only to be stunned by his expression.

On his left side, Yang Che was sitting with a pale expression. His fists were clenched tightly, and he was biting his lips. Even though he was trying his best to hold back his tears, one could occasionally see them dropping down.

"WHAT THE FUCK?" Yang Ze almost jumped out of his seat.

"Relax man. It's just a play. No need to be so serious." Yang Ze didn't know how this guy's brain work. In his mind, Yang Che was already a person who likes to read romance fiction secretly and hopes to have a love story as moving as the one in front of him.

"Aah! Nothing" Wiping his tears, Yang Che stood up before walking out of there.

"Oie. Hold on you Lil shit." Patting his robes, Yang Ze stood up before chasing after him.