
"Cang Yue."

Some moments after he called the name, the figure of an extremely beautiful woman made its way towards the center.


"Really beautiful."

"Truly worthy of the title of number one beauty."

As soon as she made her appearance, the crowd instantly erupted into a discussion. No one sitting here was unaware of the name of Cang Yue. Even though not many people have seen her, the rumours of her beauty grew every day.

Looking at the figure of Yang Cue who was slowly walking wearing a thin veil, many people couldn't sit still. This was truly a beauty that transcended the mortal world.

Not to mention others, even Yang Hai who was standing there with an arrogant face felt his heart tremble the moment he saw her. But, after thinking about how this woman was going to be married to that waste, he couldn't help but clench his fist. In his eyes, he was the only person worthy of her. So, one could only imagine his anger and frustration after he got the news from his father about the marriage.

Yang Ze who was sitting in the audience was stunned after looking at Cang Yue. In his both lives, this was his first time seeing someone so beautiful. Even comparing the so-called idols and stars to her, would be an insult to her beauty.

"Place your hand, please."

After putting away the name slip, the examiner looked at Cang Yue before calling out in a soft voice.

Cang Yue looked at the stone in front of her for a moment before slowly touching it with her hands.

As soon as her hands touched the stone, a bright glow of light incomparable to before burst out from it. Comparing it to the result of Yang Hai, it was like the difference between a firefly and the moon.

However, this was not the end. The stone soon began to tremble, and with each passing second, one could hear the sound of something cracking.

"Crack... crack..."

In front of a stunned audience, in a span of a few breaths, the rock crumbled entirely to the ground.

"What the fuck?"

"What happened?"

"Something wrong with the test?"

Looking at the outcome, the entire crowd was in turmoil. Even the people from the Xuanwu Academy were stunned.

"Elder... This???"

The examiner who had never seen something like this before was lost for words. He could only look at the elder helplessly.


The elder who was silent during the entire exam suddenly burst out in laughter.

"Announce the result."

Without explaining anything to him, he just ordered him to announce the result.

"Gulp... Okay."

After taking a deep breath, the examiner looked at Can Yue for a moment before announcing in a loud voice.






"La, la la, la Lala..."

Walking back home, Yang Ze was humming a tune. Even though the test wasn't what he imagined it to be, nevertheless it was a decent way to pass some time.

"I think I forgot something."

Furrowing his brows, Yang Ze was sure that he had forgotten something extremely important, yet after thinking for a long time, he wasn't able to remember it.

"Meeeh! Screw it. If I forgot then perhaps it wasn't that important."

"La, la la, la Lala..."




While the entire town was discussing the result of the entrance academy, a piece of news quickly spread with explosive momentum.

"Have you heard?"

"Heavens, how could it be true?"

"Is this some kind of joke? Tell me they are joking."

"How can our fairy marry a waste?"

"Heavens is unjust."

The news about Yang Ze marrying the princess of the Cang family soon spread like wildfire.

The first reaction of the listeners was that someone was playing a joke on them. However, as time passed, instead of dying down, the rumours spread even more fiercer than before. In the end, both the Yang family and the Cang family came forward to announce the marriage.

No one knows how many people were heartbroken after hearing the news. Some of them even started to drink heavily. There were even some brave souls who wanted to be heroes by beating up the waste from the Yang family.

Many of Cang Yue's admirers were red with anger.

While the entire city was boiling up, in an alley on the outer circle of Yuyang city, the figure of an extremely beautiful lady was standing inside a shabby room.

In front of her was a middle-aged man standing with a wretched smile on his face.

"Miss Yue, here it is. Just as you asked for."

With a smile, he put a long box on the table in front of him.


Inside the box was a thin long sword roughly half a meter long. The entire body of the sword was white, and at the centre of the handle of the sword, was a hole from which one could see the other side.

At a single glance, one could see the various cracks on its body. It was as if the refiner wasn't able to make it complete.

"The blacksmith tried his best. And just as you had mentioned, he couldn't stop the cracks from appearing."

"If not for the Mystic bronze, I'm afraid there wouldn't be any sword."

After speaking the words, the man grinned widely before rubbing his hands. He didn't know why a person like Cang Yue wanted to craft such a crude sword, but since he was getting paid, he didn't dare to ask. After all, no one knows what these big martial families are thinking.

"You did well."

It was the first time, she spoke after coming here. Listening to her voice, the man's legs almost went limp.

"Yes, yes." Even though he appeared to be respectful, his eyes were occasionally drifting towards her curves and mountains.

As if unaware of his gaze, Cang Yue picked up the sword in her hand before caressing it gently.

"Do you know why this sword is still not complete?"

"Huh?" Stunned by the sudden question, the man looked at Cang Yue in confusion. He didn't seem to understand why she was explaining all these things to him. His only job was to find a blacksmith and craft a sword according to the materials and methods that she had provided. He had no interest in knowing anything about the sword or its purpose.

"It is not complete because it is still missing a vital ingredient."

Disregarding his surprise, Cang Yue slowly walked toward him before looking at him with an expressionless face.

"Gulp." At this moment, the man was covered in a cold sweat. His instincts were warning him of great danger, yet other than standing there motionless, he wasn't able to do anything.

"Miss Yue... Is there something else that I can... I can do... for you??"

Stuttering, he completed his sentence with great difficulty.

"Do you know what the vital ingredient is?"



"It's your life."

As soon as she spoke these words, Can Yue pierced the sword through his heart.

"You..... You bitch...."

The man whose expression was filled with a mixture of fear, anger, and hate, looked at the beautiful woman in front of him. Never in his wildest dreams did he think that someone so esteemed from the martial arts family would kill an ordinary man like him for no reason.

In his last moments, he tried to curse the person in front of him, yet was unable to speak. With every passing second, his body seemed to shrivel.

The cracks on the sword were turning red with a speed visible to the naked eye. It was as if the sword was a living being. Along with the shrivelling of the corpse, the cracks on the sword began to pulsate.

It wasn't until a few moments later when the corpse turned to dust that all the cracks on the sword disappeared. And at the center of the handle where it was hollow before, a human eye appeared.

The moment the eye appeared, the entire room seemed to be plunged into an eerie atmosphere. All kinds of negative emotions that one could experience started flowing throughout the air.

And in the middle of all this, was the extremely beautiful figure of Cang Yue standing there with a smile on her face.

It was a beautiful haunting picture that unfortunately had no spectators.