
In the Yuyang City inner circle; or what was left of it, a crowd was slowly gathering. The usual peaceful scenery of the Yuyang city now looked like a picture from hell. Limbs and organs were scattered throughout the scene. There were howls of sorrow ringing through the air, that were enough to strike sadness in even the most stone-hearts.

Everyone on the scene was busy looking for familiar faces. Those who found them rejoiced and those who didn't, could only look in the rubble with a heavy heart.

Outside the scene of destruction, the four major families of the Yuyang city were gathered. Looking at the destruction, none of them dared to speak a word. There was a famous saying, 'Below Innate, all are mortals.' They never understood the meaning of it.

In their minds, an Innate powerhouse was just slightly stronger than the Qi-Guiding peak. After all, both realm focuses on the Qi outside the body.

Yet today, the scene in front of them made them realize the true meaning of the words. It truly made them aware of the power the Innate realm holds. And at the same time, showed them their powerlessness.

The patriarchs of the four families stood there in silence. Even though they have lost a ton of properties and people, they didn't dare to speak out about their dissatisfaction.

In the middle, Yang Yuanzhen was looking at the destruction with solemn eyes. All of them observed the fight, but none of them dared to interfere in it. If not for the younger generations of their families, they wouldn't have dared to even step out of the house.

"At least the children are safe." Breathing a sigh of relief, Yang Yuanzhen looked toward the other three before walking away from there. The only thing they could do now was to control the damage. As for the matter of taking revenge or seeking justice, it was a far-fetched idea. And even if they were given a thousand guts, they wouldn't dare to do it.


Even on the Xuanwu Academy's ship, the situation wasn't any better. The entire ship seemed to be in a state of sorrow.

Originally, they were filled with high hopes. After all, this was the greatest day of their life.

It was the day that many would kill or even die for.

Yet, never in their wildest dreams did they imagine getting ambushed in the middle of the town in broad daylight. The only thing they were able to do was to run away like dogs and save their lives.

"We are going to reach the academy soon. Cheer up, guys. After all, this is a new beginning for you all."

The middle-aged man Xiao De was desperately trying his best to cheer people up. Even though he lost his teacher, he still wanted the young ones in front of him to start a new life.

A new life that is free from the shadows of the past.

So, even if his heart was already full of sorrow, he didn't dare to show it on his face. He gave them a sincere smile.

A smile that was filled with hope and dreams.

Other than Cang Yue, who was sitting there nonchalantly with an expression that never seemed to change, the rest of the newcomers weren't doing that great.

Yang Hai was looking down the ship with his fists clenched as tightly as possible. A young genius like him, who stepped in Qi Guiding at the age of twenty-eight couldn't even move a muscle in the presence of those black figures. This was perhaps the biggest shame in his life. A disgrace that will forever be with him as a black stain on a white cloth.

At the corner of the ship was the figure of Hua Lin trembling silently. Right now, her beautiful face was filled with tears. With both hands that were on her head, one could occasionally hear her sobbing.

"Mom... Dad... Mom... Dad..."

This was the only thing she was mumbling constantly.





"Brother Yang Ze... Are you there?"

Yang Ze who was lying outside in the garden peacefully was suddenly awakened by a loud voice.

"Oh great!" Opening his eyes, Yang Ze saw the figure of Yang Che walking slowly towards him.

At this moment, Yang Che seemed to return to his previous stage. His neat clothes along with a gentle smile on his face were the complete opposite of how he appeared in the afternoon.

Looking up at the sky that was pitch black, Yang Ze nodded to him before speaking with a smile.

"How are you feeling?"

"Hahahaha. Great! Never felt any better."

"I see."

After a pause, Yang Ze looked at him before asking,

"So, why did you leave me alone there?"

"Well, let's forget about you leaving me alone, you didn't even congratulate me on my wedding."

"What kind of friend are you?"

"Hahaha..." Giving out a hollow laugh, Yang Che shook his head before pulling out a bottle of wine from the bag.

"How about it? Today your brother will toast to your happiness and drink three more cups as a punishment."

Looking at the newly placed wine jar and two small cups, Yang Ze's mouth twitched.

"I don't drink."

"Oh come on... What kind of man doesn't drink."

Shaking his head, Yang Che poured the wine into both glasses before picking one up.

"Come on... Accept the toast that I am giving you."

Yang Ze didn't speak but stayed silent. His eyes which were as clear as water were looking at Yang Che.

"Are you not going to give me any face?"

With a voice that was slowly becoming colder, Yang Che looked at him.


"You don't seem to be yourself today... What happened?"

As soon as Yang Ze asked the question, Yang Che trembled for a moment. His emotions that he tried hard to suppress were now bursting out like a tide. Just a single glance and Yang Ze could see the mixed emotions of confusion, fear, and guilt.

Though he already had some ideas in his heart, Yang Ze didn't speak out. He just sat there and looked at the person in front of him.

"Huff... Huff..." Taking deep breaths, Yang Che calmed himself before asking a question.

"You remember the night when we watched the play? The tragedy about the prince?"


"After the play, I asked you a question about what could have changed his fate. Do you remember?"

"Yes... And I remember giving you some advice."


Thank you, for your advice."

With these words, the scene plunged into silence.

Listening to his words, Yang Ze's eyes instantly narrowed. By now, he was able to put the pieces together before coming to a conclusion.

'This guy killed his father today.'

The smell of blood from the manor, the absence of his father, Yang Che walking around the house completely naked, and his eerie behaviour. Everything clicked at once.

"So... I am guessing you aren't here to toast me."

"Gulp..." Downing the entire glass in one go, Yang Che didn't speak a word, but just stood up and left the place without saying anything.

Looking at his disappearing back, Yang Ze shook his head before closing his eyes. After spending days together, they had developed quite a friendship, but who would have thought that things would turn out like this... Life was really full of uncertainty.


"Che'er, you are here."

Reaching the manor, the figure of a beautiful woman embraced Yang Che.

Yang Che who was still feeling a variety of emotions calmed down in an instant before hugging her back.

Sniffing her hair, he seemed to be in a trance. It was this feeling of comfort that was always looking for. It was this feeling of comfort that made him go against his own father.

All of this.....

All of this was now his.

"Let's go. I have found the best place to bury the bodies."

Yang Che trembled for a moment before clenching his fist. Right now, he needed to be a man and take responsibility for his actions. It was already shameful enough that a weak woman like her was doing all the work.

"Let's go." After a nod, Yang Che carried the two bodies that were wrapped in clothes before walking towards the top of the mountain.


It wasn't long before he reached the mountain. In front of him, seemed to be a flat ground full of patches of grass. The entire ground seemed to be covered in the never-ending red lines that seemed to be going through the village.

"What??? What is this?"


Before he even had time to think, he felt a piercing pain in his waist before falling to the ground.


To his horror, Yang Che couldn't feel his lower body. At this time, he seemed to be in a state of disbelief. Everything happened so fast that he didn't even have the time to register it.


The only thing in front of his eyes was the figure of the beautiful woman laughing coyly, with a knife in her hand that was slowly dripping with blood.