
"We meet again old man."

Yang Ze reached in front of Song Jia and the old man before speaking with a smile.

"It's you.!"

"Yang Ze!?"

Both Song Jia and the old man exclaimed at the same time.

"Well, I didn't think we would meet again like this." Yang Ze spoke with a smile.

The old man in front of him was the very same man with whom he took a morning walk after newly arriving in the city of Darati. At that time, both of them didn't know about each other. It was only after they parted ways did the old man got to know about him from Song Jia.


Song Jia who was standing beside the old man suddenly seemed to regain her confidence. She was afraid earlier because according to her, there shouldn't be anyone alive in the city. But after looking at the young boy in front of her, she sighed a breath of relief. It was just the waste second young master from the Yang family.

Yang Ze didn't bother replying to her. He looked at the figure of Yang Che who was still laughing hysterically before shaking his head in pity.

"He has already gone through so much and now I don't think he is in the state to pose any future dangers to you. How about leaving this poor man alone?"

Yang Ze, whose eyes were still fixated on the old man asked in a gentle tone.

Looking at the young boy in front of him who was standing with a calm expression on his face, the old man frowned for a moment. He had some doubts about how the boy survived the aftermath of the ritual, but now was not the time to ponder on this. There were matters of far more importance that he needed to take care of.

According to the intel, this young boy in front of him was the useless second son of the patriarch of the Yang family, Yang Yuanzhen. Right now he was like a stray dog, who was kicked out of his own house.


Song Jia on the side was angered after being ignored twice. In her eyes, it was an honour for a worm-like Yang Ze to even hold a conversation with her. Yet not only did he dare to disrespect her, but he also didn't even pay her any attention.


With a frown, Yang Ze waved his hand. And as soon as he did that the knife that was on the ground trembled for a moment before disappearing completely.


The Old man's eyes went wide with disbelief, but before he could say anything else, a light flashed past his sight before the head of Song Jia flew in the air.

Even in her last moments, she didn't seem to understand what happened. Her face which was still filled with anger towards Yang Ze was frozen till eternity.


Looking at the headless corpse lying on the ground, the old man didn't react much. His eyes were still glued to Yang Ze in front of him with disbelief.


With great difficulty, he uttered the words. The sixteen-year-old boy in front of him, who was famous throughout the entire Yuyang City as a waste, turned out to be a powerhouse in the Innate realm.

The old man couldn't believe his eyes. The first thought that came to his mind was that someone was playing a sick joke on him.

How could someone as young as he could be in the realm of Innate?

It defied all the reasoning and common sense that he had. If he were a Qi Guiding realm, he could have barely accepted it, but Innate? No matter how one thought about it, it was such a ridiculous thing. For a moment he even wondered if he was in a dream.

"We can discuss this in a peaceful matter." For the old man, the priority right now was to find a peaceful way to solve things.

Looking at the old man in front of him, Yang Ze shook his head before speaking in a grim tone.

"Well, we could have... But unfortunately, you saw my face."

There was no way in hell he was going to leave this old man alive after displaying his strength. If the words about his strength at such a young age spread out, he dared not imagine the catastrophe that would befall him.

"I see." Taking a deep breath, the old man's expression became sullen. Right now, he didn't care why the young boy in front of him had such high cultivation at such a young age. At this moment, even a little bit of distraction could prove to be fatal.

Taking a step back, the old man raised one hand in front of him before speaking in a dignified tone.

"Fang Shui. Fifth elder of the Leihui Sect."

"Fellow Daoist... Please."

Looking at the old man, Yang Ze took a deep breath before raising his hand and speaking in an emotionless voice.

"Yang Ze. Loose Cultivator."

"Fellow Daoist... Please."

Both of them stood in silence, looking at each other. At this moment, even the air seemed to freeze.

It was Yang Ze who made the first move.

"Hah." With a small shout, the figure of Yang Ze disappeared before suddenly appearing behind the Fang Shui. Raising his fist, Yang Ze gathered the energy of heaven and earth before blasting it all out with a punch.


With a loud explosion, the ground shattered, and from it, the figure of Fang Shui flew back with a thin transparent layer covering his entire body. This punch of Yang Ze failed to deal any damage to him.

"Huff." Without waiting for him to respond, the figure of Yang Ze disappeared again before appearing directly above Fang Shui. However, before he could launch an attack, he felt the impact of numerous small stones on his body.

"Ugh." Retreating back, Yang Ze looked in front of him. Right now, Fang Shui's left hand was in the air, and on top of it were numerous small stones rotating at high speed.

"Huaaa." Thrusting his hand forward, Fang Shui released all the stones like bullets toward Yang Ze.

"Fuck." Crossing both his hands in front of him, Yang Ze felt the impact of the attack. Even though he had a protective layer of Qi around his body, he still took some damage.

If not for his fleshy body already being strong, this attack would have injured him heavily.

"I see... So that is how it is? Hahahahaha..." Looking at the corner of Yang Ze's mouth that was bleeding, Fang Shui suddenly let out a wild laugh.

"You have just stepped in Innate. You don't know how to use the power of Innate, do you?" The more he spoke, the more his eyes started to glow. If at first, he was slightly hesitant in this battle, then now, he was confident enough to defeat the person in front of him.

Thinking about killing such a young genius, his heart was already filled with unprecedented excitement. Killing such a young Innate master was something that he would brag about even in his sleep.

Without wasting another second, Fang Shui raised both his hands above his head. As soon as he did that, a white layer covered his entire body. From the outside, Yang Ze could only see a blurry human-like figure.

At the moment he looked like a human made entirely out of white light. His face, his eyes, his ears, even his clothes... nothing was visible under the white light.

"What the?" Yang Ze narrowed his eyes upon seeing such a sight. He couldn't understand if it was a martial art or a secret skill. But before he could even think about it, the figure suddenly disappeared before coming in front of Yang Ze.

"Huh!?" This speed was similar to the speed Yang Ze displayed before while he was using willow steps. Narrowing his eyes, Yang Ze tried to step back, but suddenly he found himself bound by some restraints.

"What the fu..." Before he even had time to register, a heavy punch landed on his chest.

"Ugh..." Yang Ze instantly flew back before crashing into the nearest tree. But even then, his figure didn't stop and kept on going through the trees before finally stopping after more than fifty meters.

"Uuugh..." Spitting out a mouthful of blood, Yang Ze tried his best to stand up, but every time he moved his body, intense pain would spread throughout his upper body.

Somehow managing to stand up, Yang Ze looked in front only to find the blurred white figure in front of him.

"Fuck..." With the wave of his hand, the surrounding trees instantly shot towards the white figure. But the moment they came in contact with it, they instantly disintegrated.

"Useless." A hoarse emotionless voice replied before throwing a punch.


The entire mountain trembled for an instant before dust filled the air.

The figure of Yang Ze was flying back at a speed even faster than before; before crashing into the ground.

"BOOM" As soon as he hit the ground, a small explosion took place. If one looked from the top, one would be able to see a deep hole in the ground from which dust was constantly rising.

"A pity... If only you had more time..."

At this moment, the white layer on Fang Shui's body dimmed before completely disappearing. After the disappearance of the white layer, one could see his face which was devoid of any blood.

With breathing that was still somewhat chaotic, he looked at the slowly settling dust in front of him.

The fight just now seemed easy, but only he knew how much toll it took on his body. He was lucky, the boy in front of him was a newcomer to this realm who didn't know anything about it. If not for this, the outcome would have been entirely different.

"Huff... At least... Huff... It's over..."

Breathing heavily, he stepped forward, but the moment he took the step, the dust in front of him seemed to converge before forming two giant eyes in front of him.

These were the eyes that were filled with bloodlust and cruelty. These were the eyes that were enough to strike fear into the bravest of men.

Those eyes.....


Moved and looked at him.....