chapter 2

Lily pov

" Time for bed, our special time was alright" Apollo spoked, our special time was pretty much. Him raping me, while I cry and scream for help, I thought to myself. As he finished locking the metal cuffs around my ankles, another way Apollo tried to control me. And make sure i stay, i thought as he left the area of the building, where he kept me. I thought deeply to myself, as I felt my body was burning, and pulsing with pain outthought my body. I thought as I had my knees into my chest as I cried. All I wanted was to be free from pain and this awful hellish man that took me from everything and who took everything away from me.

I wasn't always with Apollo; I remember better days than now when I lived in New York City with my loving mother. When I was 5 years old, I got into a car crash when they took me to the hospital. When the doctors discovered I had cancer for years, I had been poked with needles and other treatments. My mom had discovered experiment treatments to help me beat the cancer that was trying to slowly kill me. Then I got to the end, but my mother wasn't going to give up, she sold. Everything, then she got two tickets to Greece where we traveled to a small island. Known for the healing waters, at temple. Once I was placed in the water, I remember feeling ill then I saw darkness and then a light. When I woke up, I saw a beautiful woman, where she began to tell me that I was chosen.

By here to be the next goodness, and I will be the last one. She had started to explain my powers and everything. At the end, she showed me my future. I just saw a man in a white, red superhero suit. With red boots and a red cape, he had blonde hair with blue eyes. I saw him, he saw me. Squatted down in front of me, " it's alright, sunshine you will find me" he asked me to. I remember before waking up in the hospital, they had told me I had a seizure and now they can't find my cancer. I was finally free of the pain I thought at the time, over the days. I had started to change from a pale white skin into a hot pink color. When my hair grew, I had flowers in them, doctors thought it was my quirk at the time.

After being discharged, we went back to the temple. Once the monks saw me, they told me I was their goodness. They had me stay, while my time there they had trained in my gifts. I called them, even the world called quirks. From the age ten to 15, I was trained by the monks, and I was trained to use my gifts. Of air, fire and earth, water plus my healing abilities. Then on my 15th birthday everything changed, I don't really remember what happened. That day, I got flashes back and forth, there was a moment where my mother had cake she made for me. Then the next moment, Apollo came and his goons, right before he was going to kill my mother. I felt myself going into the goddess mode. When I woke up, I was with Apollo, he told me he killed my mother, last thing he told me. Before he injected me with a drug filled needle, don't worry, i was going to kill you but you're too beautiful to be killed, all mine them words still haunt me.