waterlily Pov
"you're being discharged today. You gain weight, almost your wounds have healed. Your wings. Are looking ninety percent better. Growing feathers, need to be wrapped, clean. I'll be sending anti-anxiety and antibodies medicine to you. Stay well" the doctor said, as he went to leave before the nurse came back with a clipboard and handed. to the kind stranger name Shota, he started to sign it. I had just woken up, I started to brush my long straight hot pink hair. Then I started to braid it slowly before I had picked up my head. There was Shota, he had a small black bookbag than he opens it there were black clothes.
"Sorry I don't have clothes for females, but my friend is coming over. Bring you some clothes. Once we go home '' I nodded in agreement as I took the small bookbag before. Going into the bathroom, I locked the door behind me, I slowly undid my hospital gown. It fell to the ground. I saw my scars before I could react, I pulled out the black bra and panties.
Quickly put it on, before I put on the shorts and the top, the clothes were black big and baggy on me, it was better than nothing I thought at the moment. as I put on the black tennis shoes. Before leaving the bathroom, I went back to my hospital room of mine. There was Shota getting paperwork, from the nurse, as well they gave him a little white paper bag. I saw as I walked over to the bed, soon after. The nurse left the room, then Shota spoke " I have the paperwork, meds, and your things" he said, I nodded as he started to lead the way.
I just followed him out of the hospital. As I did, I just thought to myself, Shota was the only person I can trust, I thought as we entered the parking lot area. Then we stopped at a small black car, " here, I got the door" he said as he opened the passenger side for me. Then I got inside, and as I did I noticed the clean car as he shut the door. Before he put the paperwork, meds, and the small bag, he had brought. Along, before he got in the car. He started the car, then he began to drive, " it's going to be a long ride, if you want to you can sleep '' I nodded as I started to look out the window. As I nervously waited for my new home or where I'll be with Shota for the time.