lily pov
I was getting my books out of my locker, I sigh sadly as I locked my locker, before I started to walk down. In the hallway, as I thought to myself, today Aizawa could not take me home, something came up. Which I understand I thought as I decide, to use the bathroom before. I started on my walk on my way home, I went into the girl's bathroom. My hair was messy I was fixing it, in the front of the mirror, I did not realize, it until someone else.
Walked into the bathroom it was late, then I was pushed down and my bookbag was thrown across the room. It was the Ashurī squad, as I try to stand up, I was forced to my knees there I was my arms pinned against my back. "this is your punishment, for not listening to us. Stay away from mirio, drink up bitch" as I was pushed into a stall and my head forced into the toilet bowl. I was drunk into it 5 times, I could hear them, "take a picture now" one of them order the other one as I was drunk into the bowl of water they pulled up my skirt. They took a picture of me being in my underwear. Before they dunk me one more time, before leaving they had taken my bag.
Right before I left, I felt her take over, the 1st goddess, all I remember was the bathroom started to overflow. They all had left, I stood myself up and I started to bend the water to stop everything. Then before leaving quickly, luckily on my way I found my bookbag. In a trash can, I clean it off from the trash it was sticking to. Once I got out it looked like it was raining, so pulled out the umbrella I had packed into my bag. I open it so I would not get soaked, I thought to myself. As I started to walk home, Aizawa normally gives me. A ride, but something came up, which I understood I thought deeply. As I heard the rain start to drop on my umbrella, then in the background began to hear thunder.
And lighting, in the background as I started to hurry up my walking. As I heard it, then the rain got heavy, great I thought to myself, as I was going across the street. Then a red, old pick-up truck pulled out, the window rolled down. It was mirio, "do you need a ride, you live near me. lily," he asked then I saw another lightning strike along with thunder. This was intense, "get in, "he almost order, I quickly got in. as another lightning strike came down, as I shut the door, "thank you" I let out a whisper, he smiled at me as I fixed my hair. "you're welcome, lily" he said as he drove, "the house is white and brown, with orange flowers in front. "yeah, I know where it is, I only live 5 mins past where you lived" he said almost unsure if he should say that I heard within his voice.
I thought as I tuck my hair behind my ear. Until I, heard his voice "how do you like ua, I don't see you outside of class. I don't see you at lunch ..really" he asked, " i. Like…to …keep…to. Myself "I Sutter out as we got closer to the house. Where I stay at, as he parked in the driveway. As I was getting out of the truck, " why do you push people away ?" he asked kindly, I just looked at him because " people always get badly hurt because of me, trust me mirio nobody could be mine friend" I said before quickly running into the house and locking the door behind me. sorry mirio I thought to myself at the moment