1.40. A Different Past Life

The more Master spoke, the crazier he sounded.

"The last thing I remember was.. Novelle's blood-ridden corpse."

Was this a person I knew? What nonsense is he even spouting?

I looked at him, awash with his past memories. Gorgeous grey hair, ruby eyes, well featured nose and the smooth angles to his face. I remember them all clearly. He may be younger, but there's no way this isn't Master.

"You're lying.."

"I'm not. And you're not Novelle apparently.."

"Since when.. you.."

"I'm not lying. That's actually what happened."

"I don't believe you.. you take back those words. Or should I punch some sense into you?"

"You can try, but I really doubt you can achieve anything by doing so."

He stretched his hands into the air, seemingly without a care. This was a side of him most people didn't know about. Yet..?

Why did it feel like this wasn't the Master I know..

Why did it hurt when he said those words?

Why was my heart racing?

He gave me a casual sidelong gaze. I narrowed my eyes.

"That's that. I came to break up."

"You came to what?!"

I dare you to say that again!

"See ya."

He stood up and walked away– Master is actually leaving me–

"W-W-What nonsense! You.. you get back here I'm not done with you!"

Why? Master, did I not meet your expectations? Did I become so much a burden that you need to abandon me?

"You promised me in our last life!! Don't tell me you've forgotten!!"

My life belongs to you, Master. Don't go. You said we would work together in this life too!

"I remember. I do. But this isn't me. We'll never absolutely resolve this war. That's why it's a worthless cause. And I know you well enough to know that you won't give in. And that's why, this is goodbye."

Master, you promised. Of all people, you chose me. Your one and only.

To finally end this bullshit once and for all.

We've been working towards this for decades.. how could you just..

What was my life worth to you, master? I swore, I swore.. I..

"You liar.."

He ignored my words and continued walking.

Was this Master's decision? Or was there something I didn't know?

The world is full of unknown threats, I don't know enough about this era.

What if Master doesn't wish to see me hurt? What if he was going off on his own again– just like last time? If only I was smarter, stronger, then he wouldn't have..

"Avner.. don't go. Please."

Master turned around.

I reached out my fingers, golden light formed at my nails.







{Sole Contact: Cain Owst}

The world fell silent, the air became stiff.

In this world of black and white, hirs silver hair swayed. Sharp golden eyes stared back at me.

Xe plucked the jewel from hir hair accessory, a chill crawled up my skin.

Could I have worded it better?

If it were Pu'er Greenwood, I would've simply told her that I can't accept hirs feelings. In that case, why did I go all the way to share every bit of information to Pu'er Julis? It happened so naturally, I didn't even realize.

Was it because of the bond shared between the 233rd Avner and hir? Out of habit, perhaps.

"I'll prove to you that I still have worth. I've grown stronger, I won't hold you back like the past!"

The jewel glowed red, and crystalized into a demonic bastard sword. The blade tinge with an eerie black light, the material looked like dull onyx with red pulsating from the golden hilt to the tip like a living worm.

"Master! Don't you dare look down on me!"

I pulled out a random jewel and smashed it down to intercept hirs attack.

It's that katana-like sword.

The clash caused both of us to be pushed back a few steps.

My arms felt numb, cracks could be seen on my sword. For a weapon made by angels, the durability is worse than I thought.

"Master Avner, why do you not share your burdens with me?"

In contrast to hirs stinging words, xe was about to break down into tears.

I pulled out another jewel. Xe swung. I parried hirs attack.


I could initiate a counter if I wished, however, I didn't want to hurt hir.

Xe drove her sword against me again. I pulled away and deflected her attack with the cracked blade.

I didn't have the leeway to counter in a passive way.

If worse comes to worst, I may have to call Cain for assistance. Even though I have no clue how contacting for backup works.

I threw the sword away and I swapped it with the other jewel– mechanized spear.

I pulled my body to the side and shot the tip forward. Pu'er jumped backwards, swinging the bastard sword in a horizontal arc.

I stuck the pole to the ground.

Naturally, the shaft broke in two when the attack hit the middle. My saving grace was that it created a rebound.

I pulled out another jewel.

This one turned into a plasma cannon.

I pulsed energy into the handle. Canisters shots extended out from the cannon body, the blue lines show the increasing charge, six blue spheres of light appeared from the canisters. The main cannon was also beginning to light up.

But, I needed more time.

Xe swung hir bastard sword. With all my might, I forced my legs to move and jumped away. Xe chased after me.

It was at this time the drones began firing at hir omnidirectionally. It proved to be as pointless as mosquitoes. There's an unusual barrier that repels the weak energy pelts.

Charge complete.

I rolled and fired, the recoil sent me flying backwards, which I worked with to create more distance.

Xe sliced the beam right in two, I could even feel the concussion from this distance.

I switched to rapid fire.

Sacrificing the drones, I drove all six to crash into hir.

Xe spun the sword, and tapped the tip on the ground. A shockwave erupted and everything was blown away. I widened my base and stood my ground, hands crossed to cushion the impact.

It wasn't that the weapons I'm using were weak. It's that the bastard sword xe has is too strong. I suppose I'll play roulette one more time. The plasma cannon won't do.

"How about it master? Haven't I become stronger?"

Xe, breathing heavily, slowly walked towards me.

"I don't know."

I pulled another jewel. It was the rifle. Aimed and fired.

Xe intercepted it like it was nothing. The bastard sword is big enough to act as a shield even. Try to shoot hirs wrist, xe moves it away.

Ranged weapons won't work. Even if I win, it'll hurt hir.

I took out my last option.

Light bloomed, I grabbed the dual machetes. I grasp this chance since xe's giving me time to prepare myself.

I rushed forward.

Xe jumped away.

I kicked off the ground and dropped, one hit at the blunt end.

Just one hit.

I sacrificed one of the machetes to deflect hirs swing.

I won't make it in time.

I drove my elbow into hirs stomach.

Xe's legs shot up, I blocked the knee strike with my arms, dropping my other machete.

Pulling away, I picked up the first machete I dropped and looked at hir.

"H-How long have you been awake, Master? You've mastered the other weapons to such a frightening level.."

Hirs expression was painful.

"Just recently."

Why do I keep lying? I don't remember shit from the 233rd Avner. Shouldn't I just tell hir the truth?


Staggering, xe pointed the bastard sword to the sky.

A tech circle formed in the sky. Followed by blue lightning which struck the blade.

The bastard sword had become thinner, and was now a deep ocean blue.

"I'll repent for my sins, master. I've arrived too late, so please.. don't leave me again.. whatever punishment it is, I don't care.."

"Pu'er I.."

Xe pierced the ground with the sword. What the.. that shouldn't be possible in the astral space. Objects here are supposed to be indestructible aren't they?

The sword crackled, a blue barrier was erected around us.

"I know Master would only continue to resent me if we continue."

Xe spread hirs arms open. A woeful expression on hirs face.

"The only way to escape now is to punish me, this barrier heeds my command, bound to my life."

It's as Novelle said. Xe's insane. An absolute fanatic. How should I even handle this elf?

"You may kill this worthless me."