1.44. Truce

Eugine stepped forward and grabbed the halberd's shaft. His death was causing an intense tremor in my body.

I'm outmatched.


He pointed the blade tip at me.

"Don't interfere in this Cain. I've come to pass God's judgment."

"Avner, run!"

"Pass me your hairpin."

"My hair pin.. eh?"

There's no way to run. All objects in the room are indestructible and there are no open windows. Moreover, I'm not the initiator of this astral plane.

He shot forward, I threw the plasma cannon and produced the lone machete. His weapon swept past, I ducked overhead.

A blast of white energy charred my skin.

"Pu'er! Your hairpin!!"

The spear came spiraling backwards, deflected it with a swing of the blade. White energy coursed through the blade and zapped my arm, I dropped the machete and rolled backwards. A sense of nausea struck me.


I caught the jewel which Pu're tossed over to me.

"Thank you–"

His weapon came whizzing over, I would've dodged it if not for Pu'er being too close.

I pushed hir further behind and took the hit to my back and arm.

Dropping to the ground, I crushed the jewel. A pain assailed my chest, my right arm. I pushed upwards and spun myself around, the demonic bastard sword manifested. I threw a diagonal arc, countering his successive slash.

Taking the chance, I got back to my feet and began my attack.


The combo came to an end. I used the ground to support the sword.

This thing is damn heavy.


My right arm is slowly being paralyzed.

"I-I'm sorry Avner!"

"It's alright.. I'm fine."

Not really. I'll be dead at this rate.

"Stop it, Eugine!"

"What has gotten into you angels, supporting a demon, do you have no grace?"


I swapped the bastard sword to my left hand, my right hand hanging limply to the side.

And with one swift motion, I drove it into the ground. It wasn't the same, but a smaller barrier formed between him, and the angel Eugine. Pu'er and Cain were behind me.

The room was so small, anyone would've been caught up in it. Friendly fire is a thing apparently.

"Can we talk this out?"

I said in one desperate breath.

"Since you're so pitiful, I'll give you two options."

"Avner, don't listen to him!"

"Either you die by my hands today or.."

Having options sounds good. There's no way I can make do with option 1.

"You become a slave."

Option 2 sounds no good too. But that's the only choice I have left.


"Stay in your place Cain."

He gave Cain a glare and walked up to me. He tapped on the barrier.

"Take down this shield."


"Are you still willing?"

"I don't trust you."

Eugine smiled at me, his halberd turned back into a jewel, he shoved it in his pocket.

"Good. You've passed the first test. "

"Eugine.. you.."

"But there are still things you need to do to obtain our full trust. Only then will you be able to join our side as angels."

He took out from his pocket a small gold chain.

"Cain, you can stop with such a pathetic act."

Cain stood back up and stretched his hands into the air, laughing.

"It's been a while since we last had this much fun."


On the other hand, Pu'er's knees gave way.

So this is an act? Really? I should've known this was a trick. Right. Cain could've done something to assist me just now. He didn't. i should've noticed that.

"Accept it," Eugine shook the gold chain in front of me.

Even so. It's suspicious.

"A gift from us. Proof that you're an ally. Without it, angels will recognize you as their enemy. It's not a slave thing, don't worry."

"So I wear it on the wrist?"


I turned to Cain. He nodded.

Since Eugine is the initiator of the space, I won't be able to escape unless I comply. No choice then.

I stowed the bastard sword back as a gem. The barrier is down. It doesn't seem like he's going to do anything to harm me.

There wasn't anything special about the chain. I struggled a little when trying to pull it around my now numb right arm.

I felt a tingling sensation spread across my body. It wound itself around my arm.



What tamed nonsense.

"You've proven that you don't hold any hostility towards us. You've gained my trust. "

Eugine patted me on the shoulders, I flinched at the pain.

"Oh. Apologies. I got too carried away in my offense. Your skills caught me off guard."


"Let me begin the explanation. The chain serves numerous functions. First, it serves as a mark that signals to the other angels that you're not an enemy. Two, it tracks your location on the ether network. Three, it'll initiate an emergency signal if you ever kill another angel. And four, it crumbles and initiates an emergency signal if you attempt to take it off. It'll look like a small gold tattoo in the real world."

"I thought I was going to die."

"I properly held back," he smiled.

Sure you did.

"Pu'er, are you alright?" I turned to the elf on the floor.

"I-I'm not.. who are these people.."

"We should've created a different test shouldn't we?"

"I didn't expect hir to come in the first place. Since we had everything in place, what's left is to carry it out."

I lowered myself down to hirs height. Pu'er held onto me as I did what I could to calm hir down.

I shouldn't be doing this. But I couldn't help it. Xe looks too pitiful.


Eugine and Cain educated Pu'er and I about the responsibilities of being an angel. Sounds odd, considering how I'm a demon.

Since Pu'er and I were still fledglings, our duty was to stay alive. There's no need to actively participate in the battle if we don't want to. In fact, we are not obliged to do so, yet.

What we are obliged to follow are things like don't litter, do good to all, don't get angry, pray to God every day. Your daily spiritual acts.

Which got me thinking about the responsibility of being a demon. Maybe joining the angels wasn't a bad idea? I can't imagine having to kick people in the shin or curse out loud as a demon's practice. Not my cup of tea.

So if being an angel is so lax, wouldn't the demons catch up in the war?

Not really. Angels will naturally have that urge to contribute for peace, thus there was no need to force them into battle. If peace is disturbed, they will act, that's the bottom line. I don't know if the same applies to demons. I suppose I shall act as the guinea pig.

And, I'm not the only demon that has joined the angels. In fact, ever since the beginning of time, angels and demons cooperated with one another.

The minority of them, of course. However, the individuals that do join forces with their opposite nature are typically more ardent.

Not me though. I just want to survive, and find Novelle, and resume creating web novel works with her.

"Looks like there's someone who's not being honest with himself."

"Mind explaining what you mean by that?"

"You and.."

Ares gestured with his eyes.

I could say that it wasn't like that, and it was purely a misunderstanding. But I doubt that disagreeing with him would change anything.

Pu'er didn't confess to me yesterday night. Even so, xe keeps looking at me during class. I don't know what is going on in hirs mind.

Will xe confess again, or will xe just assume that the confession came out positive? Troubling. If only Avner didn't go and let hir hug him just now.

I packed up my bag and was about to walk out. An urge told me to stop.

I turned to Pu'er.

Xe met my gaze.

I waved hir goodbye with my left hand. My right arm is still numb even though they healed me using some tasteless potion.

With a nervous expression, xe did the same.

Ares knocked my shoulder with his fist.

I rolled my eyes at him and walked out of class.

Why did I decide to do that?

I'm only creating more misunderstanding.

Shouldn't I tell hir straight that we should just be friends?

Or was I falling for hir?

No, I can't allow that.

Or could I?

It'll depend on Novelle's gender, wouldn't it? Since a family can consist of three members. If Novelle turns out to be a girl then it would be possible.

Odd really. Who am I? Shin or Avner?

What will become of me?

I got to the pick up zone and found bubbly Lia hopping towards me with glee. Looks like someone is in a good mood.

"Big bro, do you want candy?"

"Thank you."

I accepted the paper wrapping and opened it.


"Help me throw it, thank you."

Inside the wrapping was another wrapping.

The trash bin isn't even a minute away. Really, this elf.

I threw the wrapping into the bin and was about to return to where Lia was when–

["Avner, help."]

The long awaited seed has begun to sprout.


dotturndot: Honestly speaking, I had no idea no idea why Eugine began fighting Avner, it just happened. He caused me a lot of headache cuz I had to fill in plot holes and figure out how I want to move the story forward. It's a big turning point which had a big influence on the story going forward.

I eventually settled with it being a 'test' for Avner. It could've just as easily ended up with Cain betraying Avner. Driving the story into an arc where he'd have to save Pu'er. I'm glad it didn't go down that path.

Just like you, my readers, I'm also exploring the story as I write. Things are uncertain, and I'm enjoying it as much as you are.