Zeph's surprise Interrogation training

"Right, I should get going Sir, but where are the interrogation rooms"

"Just take the telapod, like the request said, Cadet. It sounded urgent. I do not think you need to waste time running up to the stairs to the main bullpen of the station here. Just tell it that you want to go to the interrogation, and holding cell floor. From there you should be able to find the special interrogation room N, with no problems. Now move you ass Cadet!"

Zeph raced out of the main classroom with the doors slamming behind him, as all the other recruits did their best to return their attention back to the lecture Senior Instructor Westnight was giving them. All sorts of thoughts ran through his head as he ran the short distance to the closest telapod pad.

Zeph could not be sure if it was just all part of the planed-out surprise start of training for him, or if there was a real problem that required him because of his special status. Either way he was thankful that he got the full Standards for Patrol and Interrogation of Suspects shoved into his brain as part of his reward for sleeping with the girls, thus the fulfilling requirements of the bonus task he was given. As he was sure he was going to need that information, regardless of it it were scripted training, or a real Black Badge level interrogation.

When He came out of the telapod on the interrogation, and holding floor, Zeph found himself in what looked like some sort of control or monitoring room. It had a wall filled completely with holographic displays on every inch of space that was not otherwise taken up by the doorway leading into the room. The other three wall were taken up by a single large window in each of them that took up close to ninety percent of the wall space above knee height.

One of the three officers sitting at as desk facing the holographic display wall stood up the moment, he noticed Zeph standing in the telapod's glass cylinder. Unlike most of the telapods in the HQ building that were basically just a slightly raised pad on the floor, the one in this room had a glass cylinder around it that could open on one side. Zeph was sure it was to add a layer security, as inmates were held for questioning on this floor.

"Hello, Cadet Demonbane, I presume?"

"Yes, officer. Cadet Demonbane reporting as requested."

"No need to be so formal cadet. If we are going to play strictly by the rules, it is we that should salute you as our superior even though you're only a cadet. As you are a Black Badge after all. We apologize for pulling you out of training especially on the first day, but a matter that is a little touchy came up, and we need your help on the matter. Sergeant Simmons will fill you in on what you need to know in the observation room for interrogation room N. I will give you one guess as to why it is call room N, and not room four. I will show you the way. It is just on the other side of the repot writing room. Just don't try to buy an iced coffee from the machine on the way there, as that is part of the issue, but I cannot say more, as it is far beyond my paygrade."

It was a short walk, but Zeph got to see half a dozen on duty NEO sitting at small glass desk going over stacks of documents as they used their VGPIINN interface in their heads to bang out reports on cases or just log interactions that occurred during their patrols. With iced coffee out of the question Zeph could only take advantage of the offer one of the NEO's working on a report made to bring him a cup for fresh brewed coffee from the break room. The officer that showed him the way, left after knocking on the observation room twice.


"Good the Xo did send you up. I was worried that we would have to wait until we could get ahold of a Black Badge in a different division, and the closest one would take at least a day to travel here. We also would like to keep this an internal matter as it involves a member of this division. The problem is that our alleged culprit is also an Administrator, all be it only a level six. He is also the head of our procurement, and requisitions Department, as well as being half Nephilim. As for what he is being charged with, it is hacking. I will give you a moment to go over his files before asking you to help us conduct the interrogation."


File sent from LD NEO HQ Main AI Open?


Tarom Sareonel

Age: 45

Race : Nephilim- Human

Administrator Level Six


Was the last one seen making use of vending machines in LD NEO HQ building before software intrusion was detected, and price changes were noticed by officers on duty on several floors.

Arresting Officer: Sergeant Nolan Simmons.

"So you were the arresting officer?"

"Yea, I checked the security footage for all the cameras that watch the vending machines in this building after I got charged ten times what I should have for an iced caramel coffee. The cameras were installed last summer after one of our detention block guards punched a hole in one of the machines while trying to get a bag of chips that got stuck to fall down. Anyway the footage showed that Sareonel was the only one to go anywhere near a vending machine in over half an hour. Other officers also report pricing problems, and being told something that they could see in the machine was out of stock. Normally this would only be seen as a petty crime, but as it involves machines that are considered Los Diablos City, and government property the level of the crime had been elevated. It is also difficult to determine if the hacking went further than just messing with the vending machines."

"So were do I fit into the interrogation sergeant?"

"We need you to take point during the actual interrogation, but I and one other officer will be there with you the entire time. We can't exactly expect a day one cadet to be an expert interrogator can we. Due to his size, and strength being a good deal more than the average human he has been placed in high security restraints, and we are using room N as an extra precaution. I guess it will be good training for you, as I am sure it will not be the last time you find yourself needing to make use of it as a Black Badge. If you are ready to began, I suggest we get started. I have a felling it is going to be a long night. I just hope he did not use his one allowed VGPIINN message to contact his mother. Dealing with an eight foot tall full blown Nephilim that is in a bad mood would make things all the more difficult, as you would need to be the arresting officer on that one. Half nephs are as high on the list that us normal officers can deal with, without a special warrant."

Sergeant Simmons showed Zeph to the special Nephilim interrogation room on the other side of the two foot thick one way glass wall that stood between in an its observation room. He made sure to show Zeph the ten digit code needed to unlock the door twice before hitting the unlock button. He paused for a moment, and relocked the door, without opening it.

"Cadet, I do not think that the good cop, bad cop routine will work on him. While he is basically just a supply clerk with a badge, Sareonel went through the academy just like any other NEO. He just used his low level Administrator privilege to snatch an easy job for himself. He is more cave troll than giant, despite what you might think. I guess you will understand when you see him. How far have you gotten in reading the Standards for Patrol and Interrogation of Suspects manual by the way?"

"I have read all of it and think I have a good understanding of it. So I would like to handle the interrogation of the suspect on my own as much as possible to test my knowledge, if that is okay Sergeant Simmons?"

"You are a Level One Administrator, so whatever you say goes, Cadet Demonbane. I am going to open the door now. Just remember what you learned, and we will back up if you need it."

Sergeant Simmons opened the door slowly allowing Zeph to walk in before him. The room was empty of any furnishings other than the heavy steel table in the center that Tarom Sareonel found himself shackled to at the moment. As the steel table hid build in seating on both sides, chairs were not necessary. The room itself was vastly different than any of the other rooms Zeph had seen so far. While the wall opposite where the suspect sat was the thick glass one, the other walls reminded Zeph of the firing range. They were covered in an unknown metal, and extremally thick, as was the door. In each corner for the room a tiny camera could be seen jutting out of the ceiling. As Zeph walked in the officer standing on the far corner behind Tarom gave him a slight nod, indicating that he should sit at the table across from Tarom.

"Don't bother trying to stand up. I have eyes, and can see that you are chained to the table, and floor. I am Cadet Zeph Demonbane, and I will be the one conducting the interview, or interrogation if you prefer to call it that, in my capacity as a Black Badge. Now we can do this the easy way, or the hard way. It is all you to you P and R department head Tarom Sareonel."

"I am a Level Six Administrator! How dare you bring some cadet in here to question me Sergeant Simmons!!!!"

"Don't look at him you little cave troll looking sorry excuse for a half Nephilim. Sergeant Simmons, can not save you, but he can go ask were my cup of coffee the one officer offered to get me is, as I will not be needing his, or the other officer standing behind you to assist me in this interrogation. I was hoping that we could do this the easy way, as I would prefer to be on good terms with anyone that works in supply. Sadly you have chosen to do this the hard way. Well hard for you, I do not think it will be all that difficult on my part."

"Are you sure cadet? He may be small but there is a chance he could escape, those bindings. Worse yet his mother might show up."

"If he gets out of line, I will just shoot him. As for his mother, If I am not wrong, I can execute her for just attempting to enter this building under the current laws regarding Nephilim in this city."

"What there are procedures. Have you even read the Standards for Patrol and Interrogation of Suspects guide book Cadet?!!!!"

"Have you Tarom. If so what is Article one subsection one, line three of the section on Interrogation of Suspects?"

"How the hell should I know it is not like I memorized the damn thing. I am in procurement, and requisitions, not some low level patrol officer."

"Let me refresh your memory, for you, and Sergeant Simmons' while I am at it. Article one, subsection one line one states; The procedures in this manual are the standard that must be followed when conducting an interrogation for all Nephilim Enforcement Officers regardless of rank. Line two, Rank Four or above Black Badge Nephilim Enforcement Officers should view the procedures in this manual as a highly recommended starting point for any interrogations, any only use more aggressive methods when absolutely necessary. Line three, Rank two Administrator Black Badge Nephilim Enforcement Officers should view the procedures in this manual as a list of proven methods of extracting information, but can use stronger methods if they see fit, while Rank One Administrator Badge Nephilim Enforcement Officers need only to use their own degression when determining what methods to use to extract information in the most time efficient manner, and can view this manual as purely suggestive. Do You want to guess what level I am suspect Sareonel?"

"It is level one. I suggest that you do not resist, as that will only make this hurt more."

""System access Tarom Sareonel's optical input backup memory storage for the last two weeks, and flag all interactions with a vending machine or academy instructor. Authorization Black Badge Level One Administrator.""


Processing request Administrator Demonbane.


Four files found matching request. Playback will be in chronological order.

While Zeph was watching those files play back in the virtual screen his interface projected, Sergeant Simmons could see the large beads of sweat rolling down Tarom Sareonel's pain filled face through the thick one-way glass as he looked on. He too was starting to sweat, as he had no idea what methods Zeph was using. He could only see how much pain Tarom was in, and his chances of requesting a new patrol air cycle slipping away. Why just why had the Xo, and senior instructor asked him and Tarom to help with Zeph's surprise interrogation training, and why did Tarom fell the need to actually hack the vending machines.

"I see Tarom Sareonel, you can go after you change the settings on the vending machines back to normal. As doing so was just you going overboard on setting up this little training for me, you will not be charged for the crime. However, I did see were you hacked the machines down in evidence to always say they are out of carrot juice, so that the little attractive Lepus that works the front desk there has to come to your office to use the vending machine there to buy her drink, and snacks. I am going to send a copy of the files to the Xo, and recommend that you be suspended for two days without pay, and moved to evidence upon your return. If you want to improve your odds of asking her out on a date, I recommend complementing her ear. My pet seems to like it when I tell her I think her ears a cute. Oh an one last thing, can you see that my drone gets something a little more appropriate to wear. The standard body suit she came standard with is quite revealing of her curves, and I do not want her to case any distractions when she is out running errands for me."

"Looks, like I need to go let the Xo, and senior instructor know that he passed their little test. A little to well if you ask me. Have one of our officers keep an eye on him, and send him out on patrol for the next ten hours. That should leave him just time to write a report, on anything that happens while he walks around the block a few times. It is not our fault that he finished up the interrogation so fast. I think that boy just tried to help him get the girl too. To bad she just signed a pet contract with the Xo yesterday. I don't have the heart to tell Tarom thought. It is better if we just let him dream a little longer."