If I had to guess

Sitting in his ready room Zeph was going over the results of the exams, hardly believing that it had been two weeks since he was thrown head first into his role as the intermediate or acting XO. 

Other than his time with Siael, Laxana, Sonya, Krynienne, and occasionally Candi the last tow weeks had been a nightmarish hell of morning PT, lectures with the recruits and instructor, sometimes with him having to give the lecture, followed by five hours of on the job training from Commissioner Vaughn, that always involved a mountain of paperwork.

Looking down at the pad that held the exam results for his cycle, Zeph was not overly surprised to see the top two three names on score rankings belonged to himself, Laxana and Ryan Blanch, as the three of them always were amongst the first to answer any questions the instructors asked during reviews of the previous days lecture.