Reporting to Central


The time is now 05:00. You set an alarm for this time with the title of "Wake up for Training."

Opening his eyes Zeph groaned and stretched, wishing he could not only stop time but rewind it back to the night before and just live in that moment forever so that he did not have to leave and be separated from Laxana and Sonya. But time was man's greatest enemy that refused to stop for anyone. Even him.

The morning kisses that Laxana and Sonya received were long, deep, and passionate, as they were some of the last kisses they would receive from him for days, weeks, or even years for all he knew.

Getting dressed felt like a chore, but the three of them made it on time to formation, if only just barely. Sr. Instructor Westnight said nothing about how they should be the first three to arrive for morning formation and not the last. He was surprised to actually see them thinking that would opt to get their exercise in bed.