Poster Girls

Zeph was not sure what awaited him, Lilith, and Allison, when they got to the recruiting center, but was relieved to learn from the drone version of Alora Noel that it was located in the Nephilim Enforcement Central Command Headquarters building on the first floor and that it had a separate entrance on the side of the building. 

Because of the lack of the need to travel to another location with an unwanted level of attention-grabbing escort gave him a little extra time to relax and enjoy the peace and quiet of his current residence with his brides.

However, all things must come to an end, and Zeph's duty-free time had come to a close as it was now time to depart from their little luxurious sanctuary high above the duty-filled city below, and go down to the recruiting center to face the cameras and crowd of people that likely awaited them there.