
Zeph had an undeniable talent, a God-given gift if you will, and it wasn't his unfathomable amount of luck with women or his seemingly magnetic attraction toward those with substantial bounties on their heads.

No, it was his incredible deadeye aim that never seemed to ever miss whatever his target maybe. Just because he used his fleshy sword to strike at the core of a woman did not change that, nor did using the turret weapons mounted on the CC A1 Halo.

Dialed up to maximum output the military-grade aircraft-mounted weaponry was devastating to living flesh, in the same way the missiles were to the aircraft that had fired on him first and missed thanks to the deployment of the flairs.

While Zeph's initial flyover and bombardment had not completely changed the battle from a hopeless struggle against impossible odds into a one-sided game of wack a giant, it had turned the tide of battle.