Recovery Operation Part 2

Like the clockwork of a well-oiled machine, the Nephilim Enforcement Officers under the direction of Norton Coats moved the Cargo containers around the deck in perfect coordination with the person who was operating the ballast tanks of the CV Poseidon's Nemesis and moved in the most efficient way possible.

The only thing that slowed down the process of unloading the skyhook system and landing to refuel was Trever Lorance's inability to follow Norton Coats' directions to the letter in the same way the officers on the deck could. 

But it only cost a few seconds and not even a full minute of the time buffer that Zeph worked hard to build into Norton Coats' planning as the man likes to play it a little too close to the numbers for Zeph's sanity and comfort. 

Taking advantage of the time it took to refuel the CC A1 Halo, Zeph, and his aerial transport team members shoved a few bites of food into their faces and went to relieve the pressure in their bladders.