Commissioner's Orders

"Shouldn't you two be in bed getting plenty of rest before training tomorrow?"

"Received direct orders to be here. Told to ask about the borrowed equipment."

"I don't know anything about that. You would have to ask him about such things. I am not sure how long he, we can stay. Alison and I just came along for the ride mostly."

"Lilith can you point out who is Administrator Colby Shelby? We have orders to escort him somewhere before we escort our favorite ones to Headquarters."

Lilith pointed to Colby Shelby and said; "There next to the lilin with kitty ears."

One glance at Prima and Sonya's mood darkened significantly.

"Master bedroom her?"

"A few times, but you are still his favorite little kitten. She is not a new pet. Not his anyway. Think of her as Colby Shelby's punishment for being careless with his badge."