Squad Overachieve

Even after hours of being around her and hearing her voice, Norelea was still having a hard time coming to terms with the undeniable truth that the one behind that unfair face was her daughter Laxana.

In Zeph's eyes, it just made it clear just how amazing it was that Laxana willingly accepted her new appearance. 

It still hit him like a ton of bricks when Norelea said; "My daughter might have given her fur and face for this city while shielding a little girl she did not know from harm, and it might be her on this stage getting a metal, but the real heroes are the ones you can not see standing beside her."

I had been weeks, and he had received counseling on how to cope with the real price of being given a leadership role.

He had even spoken to the families of the fallen Nephilim Enforcement Officers and even that of two of Los Diablos' finest police officers, but it was the way his "mother-in-law" said it that impacted him the hardest.