Iced coffee in hand, Zeph led his little army of information extractors up to the appropriate floor and to the door of interrogation room N1's observation room, with three minutes to spare, all while pointing out vending machines and other useful things not marked on their maps along the way.
Seeing Zeph holding two iced coffees in his hands, Sr. Instructor Westnight let out a soft chuckle, while Chief Bobby Marlecl ever so slightly shook his head.
"Sir is the observation room large enough for all of us to realistically fit in, or was this more of a guided tour of some of the active floors than anything else?"
"We will have to make use of a few of the other observation rooms and use the monitors in them to remotely view the interrogation, but that is not important."
"What is Sir?"
"That second iced coffee that you are holding, any chance that I can uha,..."