Maybe the thought of her self-sacrificing stirred something on the smoldering ashy remain of their relationship, or Candi was sacrificing herself in a different way to make up to Selena in her own way.
Regardless Zeph was sure that Candi would be passing the torch to Selena, making her the new flavor of candy. Maybe it was her way of saying farewell to Brandon Cocks in a special way and on her own terms.
If they learned nothing else it would be that sex does funny things to your head and makes you dumb at times. Zeph would be glad if they learned a bit about network safety too.
To him didn't really matter why those three were going to go test the limits of a bunk, perhaps with spectators, Zeph was fine with it as long as they were just scratching an itch and not digging their graves any deeper.
He had things he had to dig into that he hadn't even begun to scratch the surface of, but wild relationships weren't a layer he had to find a shovel to reach.