New Shores Part 3 (Ocean Views)

Archon Crix Zis did not even get three whole seconds to take in the view as he walked into the owner's suite with Zeph and Justin Vaughn before Alorna bombarded him with questions and accusations about his drink choice.

Trying to ignore her for a second to look out of the observation sphere to enjoy the tranquil beauty of the light of the sun cascading through the surface of the water where it made the scales of the small fish swimming by the observation sphere shimmer, only caused her to step in front of him and block his view.

"I came here to enjoy a quiet tranquil moment and look at how the light played off the waves while enjoying a drink with two fine, hard-working gentlemen who can also appreciate the dream of being unburdened as a fish swimming freely in the ocean."

Giving him a side eye first, Alorna moved out of the way and smiled cutely at Zeph.