Graveyard (Deadly crow) 2

In the end, Ling was left all alone at the Graveyard. The perfect farming site to collect monsters' cores and EXP.

'I shouldn't rely too much on Hary. Instead, gathers some research that would be useful in this game.'

He said inwardly and paused briefly. Suddenly, the scent of iron went to his nose and a sticky liquid thing dripped on his forehead.

"What is this?"

The place was too dark, only the sliver light given by the moon helped him to have a narrow glance at the place. Plus, the flooded tall trees around them blocked the light from coming through.

He gently wiped his forehead and squeezed the liquid. At first, he thought that was just simple poop coming from the bird, that's why it has a mild temperature. However, he quickly changed his mind as he found out it was sticky.


The scent of iron and its stickiness were enough reason to determine that was blood. Also, the conclusion was getting stronger after more of them fell to the surface which looked like raining of blood.


Ling repositioned since the blood would let him feel uncomfortable moving. However, there was no place to hide as it was an open area, at the same time, wherever he went seemed like the blood was chasing him for some reason.

He placed his hand over his head to block the coming directly on his eyes. He then looked at the sky to find the origin of the blood. Soon, he spotted numerous large crows and each of their beaks has some part of the human body such as flesh, organs like the human intestine, heart, liver, and brain the main reason why was raining blood.

It appeared before they found him, those monsters already attack other rankers or might NPC. Probably NPC, why? Because the ranker's body would turn into small gleaming bubbles, so it means those organs don't come from the ranker.

Ling gritted his teeth, not because they managed to kill their target, it was because he knew he was in a tight position. If he guessed it right, the current numbers of monsters glaring at him were around 120. Once they attacked him at once, he can't be sure if he could stay alive. Aside from that, there was no establishment that help him to hide from them.


It can't be helped Ling was forced to run away to them since he can't afford to die here. At the same time, he wasn't stupid to think that he could win against a large number of monsters, especially the monster who could attack in the mid-air.

The deadly black crows have 1ft and half of the height, plus, their bulky bodies, sharp beaks, and keen nails. Soon, Ling used his extraordinary speed to enlarge the distance between them. However, another problem arose.

It appeared that the blood-soaked clothes went to the sensitive nose of the monsters nearby, that's why undead skeletons and Ghouls joined chasing him. Technically, those monsters had no chance to catch up with him, but the main problem here was other monsters kept appearing in front of him and immediately attacked him. Plus, the monster appeared beneath the surface that pulled his feet which slowed down his movements.

At this point, it was inevitable to not fight the monsters, or else they would easily deal damage to him.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

All the undead skeletons coming at him were eliminated immediately after Ling utilized his [Unlimited knife] and [Madness slash] at the same time. Nevertheless, the blood was still falling on him as the black crows seemed using it to track his specific location.

"There's no end to this. If this continues, I can't tell if I could last with them." He said inwardly.

The main plan of the black crows was to use the other monsters to kill the rankers so that they could eat his body once he died. Well, the crows were known for being deceitful, probably they would kill the other monsters once that time comes.

He looked left to right, finding if there were rankers nearby that might help him. Yet, he can't see someone as he ended up in the much deeper part of the Graveyard.




Ehhk! Arhk! Uhk! Arhh!

Each time he wielded his weapon, one monster surely died. 'This is not the right time to fight them since the crows planning to exhaust me first before they attack me.' He uttered to his mind, then dash and avoid the monster attacking him.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

Some arrows landed on his shoulders, fortunately, the damage wasn't enough to take his life. Even though it would give him pain, still, Ling pulled the arrows one by one.

"This is frustrating..."

Of course, it came to his mind to immediately log out to escape from this critical situation. Yet, he knew it wasn't possible since the monsters were still in his vicinity. In this case, Ling continued to run away until the monsters can't catch up with him.


After fifteen minutes of constantly running away from the monsters. Suddenly, Ling found an empty area where no tombs can be found even trees. Also, from afar he heard the heavy stomps of the monsters chasing him.

"I guess my intuition is right." Ling smiled maliciously and looked at the red dark eyes of the crows that were still located above him.

Seemingly Ling circled around the Graveyard to fool the monsters. How? He used the blood on his clothes as well as the blood coming from the dark crows to spread throughout the area. By doing the monsters would be having a hard time determining his certain location.

"It's hard to escape from these monsters since they had the full of vicinity due to their flying ability. So should I say, I have to kill them first since they are the ones who scheme this?" Ling cracked his fingers and bent his knees as if he was going to jump to mid-air. "Here I go!"



His feet were shaped on the dried surface and cracks surrounded them. After that, dust leaving on his behind while attaining a closer distance against one of the crows.

He pushed forward his arms, aiming for the monster's body.

