Special Quest: Battle

One hour and forty-five minutes had passed. Ling managed to get back to their house with a broad smile on his face. How he could not? He just simply received a huge amount of money that he could not for more or less 6 months.


Ling settled everything he needed just like cleaning the house, making food, and giving medicine to his Grandmother. Well, he planned to bring his grandmother to the hospital so that they could know what medicines he have to take. However, he must complete the special quest first before that.

He entered his room while still glancing at the screen. Yes, he was looking at his bank account, and couldn't believe that he had this kind of amount.

"With this, I can find a new house to rent where grandmother could rest properly." He paused for a second as he realized something. "Of course, they will get suspicious about where I get this money. So, it would be better if I tell them about this game."