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Making a clone was one of the specialists of Tryna. But the thing that piqued everyone's question was; Tryna's clones have the 70% of his powers, which means the clones were undoubtedly strong to the point they could easily kill a mid-level ranker.

Low-level rankers usually their rank are range from 1 to 30. Mid-level-rankers range from 31 to 60. High-level-rankers range from 60 to 100. Emma was a level 75 battle mage, that's why she is considered a high-level-ranker.


On the other side, Blood was still recovering from the severe pain he received from Tryna. To explain the pain, he could feel the sharp nails pierced in his behind, at the same time, the blood slowly dripping out of it. Luckily, it was the type of pain that he can endure, so he immediately repositioned himself before Tryna managed to launch another attack.

Soon, he clicked his tongue, blaming himself for how he could forget this kind of important detail from this monster.

"Tch! I'm being careless."