Pick And Roll

Mister Den was impressed with the connections between Hary and Ling. However, this was not enough for him, he wanted some more.

Before the second quarter started, Mister Den made up his decision, which was to take Hary out of the game. Well, he liked to see the full potential of Ling as well as his limit. Of course, as a coach the game basketball was not for one person, it was composed of five players that needed to help each other in order to win the match.

Yet, the scenario could be always like that. Or to be exact, he needed a player that could carry the team in every tight situation.

"Randel, Jc, Renda, Porter, and Ling. The five of you will play for the next quarter. Ling will be the point guard, so listen to his play. Otherwise, you want to get kicked out of the game." Mister Den said in a serious tone, then backed to the seat where Ling was sitting. "I'm getting straight to the point. I would like you to create some points for the team."