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This word was taken aback Ling for a couple of seconds. Also, he suspected his senses deceiving him right now. To be more specific, Ling was talking to Little Blood as soon as she hatched out of the egg, yet she has not responded. But now, Little Blood acted in front of him in that she fully understood what he have said.

'Why are you in shock? That Magical Beast has +91 Growth and high intelligence at the same time. So, it's natural for her to handle a conversation. The reason why she was not talking to you earlier is because of the fact that she still adapting herself to the surroundings." Valdigo explained in an annoying tone which made Ling regain his senses. Despite that, Ling understood the full concept of that thought.

Ling faintly smelled and patted Little Blood's head once again. "As expected from my partner, you are no ordinary!" Not only that but without a language boundary, Ling can establish better chemistry with Little Blood.