Chapter 4: The mystery man

Few days after the dinner at the William's mansion, Ann and Maya couldn't stop talking about their new penthouse. They kept talking and talking about it whenever they get the chance to. They talk about it whenever they chat, face time and even shop.

They just couldn't keep their mouth shut about it. Not to blame them; who wouldn't be happy owning a penthouse...?

In fact their joy knew no bound.

The previous night, when Ann and Maya face time and chatted, they talked about their penthouse just like every other night but this time it was different; because they just remembered the most important aspect which is - decoration.

* * * *

Back to the previous night...

"Ann, we keep talking about how beautiful and big the penthouse is but we're too blind by excitement to see the most important thing which is decoration. Remember we haven't plan about how we want the ulterior and interior design of the penthouse to be... or are you fine with the current decoration you saw in the video...?" Maya asked with furrowed brows.

" You're very correct Maya, we haven't even gone to check it out but we rather just keep fantasying about what was shown in the video. Truth be told, the video was a total walk through... It felt so real like I was there..." Ann fantasized with dreamy eyes and drooling mouth.

"Correct..! We just keep dreaming without seeing the reality. Let's pick a day to go check it out this week. Today is Monday and we're resuming in two weeks time, which means the earlier we check it out and plan the decoration, the better". Maya suggested.

"That's right babe... The earlier... the better.... I'll come over to the mansion after breakfast tomorrow so we can talk more about it". Ann suggested.

"Alright baby... Will be expecting you", Maya said yawning.

"Yeah... Yeah... Let's go to bed already.... No more gists and gossips" said Ann.

"Agreed... Good night Annie"

"Good night Maya" Ann replied and hung up also yawning.

* * * *

Back to the present....

Maya was having breakfast at the dinning when her phone rang. Seeing the caller ID; a sweet smile formed on her lips.

She picked her phone and swiped her screen to the right to pick her call.

"Hey Annie... How are you doing?" She asked.

"I'm good Maya, doing fine, and you?" Ann asked.

"Great here too. I'm almost done with breakfast... I'll be dressed before you get here". Maya replied.

"Uhm... about that Maya.." Ann started dryly with dropped shoulders on the other line; making Maya drop her cutlery.

"What is it Ann...? you said you're fine just now so why the low voice...? Maya asked and Ann continued.

" I'm supposed to be on my way to your place after breakfast but Sammie called to inform me of her arrival in town. She wants me to tour her around the new places in town since she's not visited for about five years now. And you know how she can be..." Ann said.

"But she said she would be visiting next week so why the sudden change of mind...?" Maya asked sighing.

"I don't know yet, I called immediately I got her text... I'm on my way to the jet terminal to pick her up... I'll update you later about things baby.... I'm so sorry"

" C'mon Annie, stop apologizing. Its not your fault and I understand really well. You guys need some bonding time and privacy which I understand and really respect baby. Don't worry about me... I'm fine." Maya said trying to sound lively.

"I know you'd understand Maya, thanks baby. What can I do without you...?"

"Nothing..." Maya answered immediately making Ann grin.

"See...? Thanks for understanding, talk to you later dear"

"Yeah.... My regards to Samantha too. Bye"

They both said their good byes and hung up. Looking at the empty house, Maya sighed.

Her mom had gone to play golf with Ann's mom Sarah and some other elites so she was the only one at home. Her dad was on another travel to country E. Since the branch is newly launched, it needed more attention for proper growth.

Walking out of the dinning room, she sighed again and muttered "What a boring day its gonna be".

Me been alone in the house was the last thing I ever expected today. The next few weeks would mark twelve years since I've known Ann which would be a week before school resumption.

I remember vividly, when i first met Samantha, Ann's cousin. I and Ann are just a year older than her. I never fancy her because she looked down on me which as a child then was one thing i hated the most.

Ann also knows i don't fancy her. I can't even say if there's any difference at all between she and Isabella, my high school class mate.

But I can't really say about her attitude now since I haven't set my eyes on her for years now. I know they say people change and I pray the same should be her case. I pray she changes positively.

The last time I setted my eyes on Sammie was about five years ago. Though that was not the first time i met her, the first time I met her was at Ann's twelve birthday.

We were still little kids then...

* * * *

Back to Ann's eleventh birthday party... Eight years ago

"Come Maya. Come meet my cousin, Samantha", Ann said to me, dragging me along with her as we approached a group of Ann's extended family members talking and laughing together, holding a glass cup of wine in their hands. While approaching, my eyes caught a little girl of about Ann's age or younger sneaking a glass of wine from the table while elders talked because normally, we kids were served juice.

We were not to drink wine but I never really paid attention to it because it was none of my business.

Finally getting to the table, lo and behold, the girl introduced to me was none other than the wine sneaker. "Hey Sammie, this is Maya. My best friend, and Maya this is Samantha my favorite cousin", Ann introduced, saying the part of the cousin in a whisper.

"Hello I'm Maya and its nice to meet you Samantha" I said almost in a whisper, because I'm normally shy with strangers for the first time. I extended my hands to her and she shook it. With scrutinizing green eyes and long black lashes, she sized me up and I smiled nervously.

"I'm Samantha, nice to meet you too", she finally said. "By the way Ann, where did you meet Maya and what elite family is she from? She really needs to take her dress back to her designer. Its too cheap and tacky" Samantha said again with a pocker face.

That moment, I felt like the group should open up to swallow me because what she said caught the attention of most kids also present at the party.

"C'mon Sammie, don't be rude." Ann said to her and we took our seat, giving me an assuring smile.

"But its the truth Ann, are you even sure her family are elites? because even I wouldn't want to wear such a cheap looking dress. You have such a bad taste of friend Annie. I can't stay here", Samantha said and scoffed. Looking at me, she putted a finger on her nose like she was looking at a poop.

Ann looked at me with eyes saying "sorry Maya". Immediately Samantha left, I ran out of the party to my parents car and cried my eyes out. I haven't felt so low in my life. And that was the incident that made Ann know I don't fancy her 'fav cousin' as she said.

Though Ann apologized on her behalf for weeks, it was still something I'll never forget in my life. But still after that day, I met her a few times but I never got close to her. I just look at her and go my way whenever I happen to meet her at Ann's place until Ann told me she would be gone for a very long time because she wants to explore the world.

* * * *

Back to the present...

I sighed and tuened on the tv. Every has always been boring without Ann. I wish o had listened to Ann and had a boyfriend at least I would have had someone to talk to or even gone on a date but its such a pity I could never develop feelings for anyone of them. " See...? I told you Maya. Please don't die an old maid" I imagined seeing Ann talk to me. I smiled and concentrated kn my tv series.

Then I felt famished and called the chef make me some fried chicken and pine apple juice. Few hours after stuffing my stomach, I got a text from Ann. "Girlfriend, I and Samantha are coming over... See you in the next thirty minutes..."

"What...?!" I exclaimed. Samantha has never been here to our mansion so what is Ann talking about?. I asked myself, out of everything I'd have wanted, seeing Sammie was the least of it. No! It wasn't even in the list of it.

I panicked and walked around, then rushed into my room, looked at myself in the mirror and I screamed. "OMG Maya, you look beautiful as always but still need some adjustments; like combing your messy hair, changing into a much more better outfit". No! No! No! No! No! I need to have a bath and look fresh.

I stripped myself naked and got into the bathroom, took a bubble bath and got dressed in one of the expensive wear I've got.

After getting dressed, I sat in front of my mirror and gave myself a light makeup, such that won't compete with my natural beauty. I really admit that, that incident with Sammie eight years ago really affected my self esteem whenever it comes to her.

While applying my lip gloss, I heard a car drive into our compound. "They must be here" I thought. Jamming my lips together, I gave myself a flying kiss, admiring my beauty for some secs before hearing down.

Butler Gary had already welcomed them into the house and I could see the chef taking their order while I descend.

"Hey baby; finally got to see you today", I said in my usual smoky voice, giving Ann a hug.

While at that, I heard Sammie clear her throat and I rolled my eyes. Detaching myself from the hug, Ann gently elbowed me and I looked at Samantha. With a poker face on, I greeted; "Hello Samantha, nice seeing you again". "Same here Maya, been a long time", she said, looking around the house and I smiled.

"Misses, your orders are ready and are been arranged at the dinning hall, and what can I get for you Miss Williams..?" the chef asked. "Just a glass of water chef, I just stuffed my stomach with some snacks few hours ago so I'll be good with just a glass of cold water.

"Alright ma'am", the chef said and we went to the dinning hall.

"Let's go to the dinning hall", I said and the two followed. On getting to the dinning hall, we took our seats and I starred at Samantha for some secs and retracted my eyes. "So Ann, I thought you said you wanted to show your cousin around town so why are you here", I asked turning my gaze at Samantha who was pouring herself some juice.

"Actually Maya, I'm so sorry. Its my fault, I was supposed to visit next week but I got caught up in a situation. The truth is, my Dad wants me to get married to someone I've never seen before, claiming he's a billionaire son". Samantha answered and I rolled my eyes. I mean, what new in all this?; or isn't that how the elites behave?, I can't count myself among them anyway because my parents properties shouldn't even be considered when it comes to some top social status.

"Okay...?, I think that's normal but what exactly is the issue because I don't see anything wrong in it". I asked and she smiled. She looked so devastated and sad. I just couldn't help but feel sorry for her.

"That is where the issue is Maya, everything is actually wrong with it because, I'm still too young to get married, I want to live a free life and explore to my hearts consent before getting married.

And the last and not the least, even if I don't want to consider all of this, the fact is that, I can't see him until the day of the wedding himself.

He's not a very popular personality so no one even recognizes him. Even rumors has it that he's; blind and some says he's crippled while some says he's imponent and some says he's ugly or even gay.

I mean with all this, put yourselves in my shoe; who with all this would want such a person?. What if he's having one of this defects?" Samantha said, shaking her head.

"Yeah, I can see the reason now, if I was the one it would have been a total no no for me too. Why can't you see him before the wedding?.

I mean, there's no other explanation to the fact that he has any of this defects if you can't see him". I said, taking sides with her for the first time.

"So what is the plan now?, what are you planning to do because you know how your parents can be". Ann asked taking a bite of her snacks. "That's what I'm yet to figure out now Ann, that's why I ran away in pretense of visitation.

"So what your husband to be name..?", I teased, enjoying the moment. "All I heard is Jerry, I wasn't told the last name". Sammie replied.