The nurse came back into the room with medication for Victoria.
"Can i see you for a minute Nurse Judy..?", James asked before she began administering to Victoria the medications.
"No problem Sir...", Nurse Judy replied as she headed out with James.
"Be frank and sincere to me nurse. How is my wife doing?" James asked with a serious face.
The last thing he wanted was for Maya to know anything bad about her mother's health. He can't just handle the sight of her breaking down due to that.
Yes! The doctor made it known to him that his wife had a hundred percent possibility of breaking down with that same disease a month or two after but he could not just say it to Maya.
To Maya, Victoria was her world. Maybe it was because she always stayed with her mother and then the plenty time they spent together made her grow and unbreakable bond with her but he was not so sure.