
The Endless Hour 2

All fired up from the cold feeling of the night, I headed toward my vehicle to make a break toward Fifth Third Bank. Driving into the city's heart, all you could see was dazzling spectacles filled with bright colors and fantastic worlds projected into your eyes. Creating this false sense of reality. The truth of this city was nothing short of horror. I plan to change it and relieve people from this horrible and rigorous reality. 

"Hands up where I can see them." An officer shouted.

"They're up." One robber surrendered as his assailants followed.  

It looked as though the officers had the situation handled. Looking for the detective, I noticed something about the bank robbers. They were all equipped with Ar 15s, a weapon that could produce similar results through a torso like in the restaurant scene. I headed towards the detective quickly. "AHH!!" the detective said, "Would it kill ya to call?"

"Quiet as always, huh?" 

"How did you guys do it?"

"Well, actually, I'm just as confused as you."

"What do you mean?"

"When I got here, they were already surrendering."

"I see."

"Yeah, I don't know about you, but I think this went too smoothly."

"I concur. Would you let me question them thoroughly? I want to get to the bottom of this."

"Best I can get you is 5 minutes before the DA starts bitching again."

"Thank you, detective."

I made haste to the police station to be the first in the interrogation room. I tried to get on top of the room after sliding into one of the ventilation routes. The vents were tight and in a very enclosed space. I could hardly fit, and it felt packed like a can of anchovies. Filled with rats trying to bite on whatever wasn't hard on my suit. Filthy hormonal creatures lurk in the vents' mini hallways and around every corner. I walked down them, weaving through the bodies of those vile creatures until I reached the destination I desired. The top of the interrogation room. I could hear officers murmuring about who should go first. In the end, they chose Lamar, a detective I could call a friend.

"Do I get my phone call yet?" the robber said as Lamar entered the room.

"If you answer all my questions effectively, I'll make it my mission to get you your phone call."

" Classic good cop, aren't ya?"

"I can understand why you think that, but I can make it so if you want things to be serious."

"Is that a threat?"

"Where did you get those weapons from?"

"I plead the 5th."

"You know that's not how this works, right?" 

"I plead the 5th."

"Well, I tried."

That was my cue. As the lights blackout and the doors lock, I strike down, grabbing the head of the suspect and dunking it down with my arm. Fire fell through my swing, the fire of Justice and truth, but it could not be described as Justice nor truth because of the terrible beauty I felt. Beautiful vengeance. As his blood almost skims by my mask. 


"Heh, slow down there, heh."


I lifted him up on the wall while repeatedly asking the same question. Where did he get his weapons? The lights turned on, and I was for all to see. "What the hell?" "It's the freak." "Get him."

Officers were yelling that I had no escape. "Is that the notorious vigilante  I've been searching for? MAKE sure you catch him, officers. I want him alive and well while we unmask and identify him." The DA said. 

Michelle Smollet, the DA of Chicago, is hellbent on destroying and exposing these big-name corrupt families that act like they own the place. I admire her sense of Justice. However, she's not a very big fan of mine and has been determined to capture me. On the other hand, she hasn't had a successful attempt that I've been active again in the past few months. They couldn't catch me then, and they won't catch me now. I check the clock and see the time, only to be boggled by this Endless hour of crime.