Chap 10

After the two soldiers left, the female medic also continued her work, she measured Teo's blood pressure, then prepared him to eat his daily meal.

This female military doctor's name is Le Nha Truc, she's just a trainee on the Spratly Islands. After a year, she will be sent to the city. This place is Spratly Island in Vietnam. Although it is not possible to have a modern life like the mainland, the people of the sea and islands are extremely gentle and sincere. That's why she loves living here.

For more than a year now, she has been coordinated to take care of the young people in this room. After completing the care work. She was cleaning up and preparing to leave when suddenly the young man who was still lying there every day opened his eyes. She cried out in panic:


- You… you… Are you awake? How do you feel?

The young man sat still as if he didn't know what was going on, then he looked over and over and said:


She immediately reacted, poured a glass of water, and slowly gave it to him.

- Here's the water! You drink carefully.

The other person is still dumbfounded... Reluctantly she had to help him drink. Then she saw him sitting still, His eyes were blank. She waved her hand in front of him.

-Hey hey! Are you awake yet?

-Hungry... - Teo Speaks.

- I have bread here, eat it.

She handed him the loaf of bread on the table. He grabbed it and ate it.

She smiled, shook her head, and turned to get him water to drink. She took a glass of water and gave it to him, looked at him strangely, and then asked:

-Have you finished eating?

-I'm done eating!

-… Where is the bread wrapper?

-Is there a bread wrapper?

-… And… What about the rubber band?

-Have an elastic?

-Azz, are you that hungry? Drink some water!

He holds a glass of water. In one gulp, he drained the glass.

-I'm so hungry…

He groaned, holding his stomach with both hands, his face contorted in pain

-Are you still hungry? I don't have anything for you anymore, let me buy you something to eat.


The doctor immediately cleaned up and went out. She then notified her Marine comrades and the nurses noticed and then she actually went to buy him bread.

Alone in his room, he tries to control his hunger. He tried his best to remember what had happened, but he was so hungry that he had to crawl out of bed with all his might.

-Why are you lying on the ground? Sister, help me.

A nurse ran over to help Teo. The person accompanying him was a middle-aged female nurse who also quickly ran to help.

Tony Teo was quickly brought to bed and sat down. He said:

-I'm hungry... feed me... whatever.

His voice was tired, The two nurses listened to it for a long time before they understood he wanted to eat.

-You wait a moment.

Then the younger nurse hurried out of the room, only he and the middle-aged nurse remained in the room.

- Are you a foreigner? What's your name?

Teo replied in a tired voice:

-My name is Tony Teo, I live in…

Just as he was about to answer, he noticed his face in the mirror. He was startled, rubbing his face with his hand. He thought nervously:

"Who is this? Is it me? Why is it so different?"

Then he frantically groped his body, General examination of his body, to make sure his body doesn't lose anything. Especially his little boy, he also has to check five or six times. When he felt that his body was healthy and complete, he breathed a sigh of relief.

The atmosphere is suddenly eerily quiet.

He suddenly remembered that there was another person in this room.

-Hahaha boy, Are you going to seduce me?

- I.. I…

-What else I haven't seen yet. Nurses like us come in contact with many patients every day, which I haven't experienced. You're just a little old but already like that. Are you still embarrassed?!! Hahaha.

He was surprised, he really doesn't understand much because he hasn't used Vietnamese in a long time, and with a northern accent and spoke so fast that he didn't understand at all. He rolled his eyes, looking at the nurse.

-Boy, Look at what that looks like.

There was a soft voice outside the door.

-Are you okay, hello Ms. Thu, I brought Noodle Soup for you.

Female doctor Nha Truc walked in.

-Hi... Doctor...I'm hungry

When he smelled Noodle soup, he was craving.

-Wait a minute, I'll pour it out for you.

Thu next to her sarcastically:

-The boy is so happy, being taken care of by the beauty queen of the sea and island military. hi hi. Let me tell you, she's been here every day for almost a year now.

Le Nha Truc was carrying noodle soup to Teo, she blushed shyly and turned to lightly scold Thu:

-Sister, I'm just helping him, nothing more.

-Careful! - Thu shouted.

-Ah!- Nha Truc tripped over a pen on the floor, She slipped and fell.

There is no sound of falling like in everyone's imagination. Teo jumps down very fast, deftly grasping the stick from the air, skillfully grasping the noodle soup pot from the air with your hand, then gently using your hand to follow the force of the soup pot in it to shake so that not a single drop of soup falls out.

He quickly pulled Noodle soup to his body and then ate it.

- So delicious, so delicious, Vietnamese Noodle soup is the best

The two girls were stunned to see the scene that just happened, now seeing the gluttonous guy, both of them burst out laughing.

-Thank you so much, I almost spilled the noodles. You are fast.

Vu Nha Truc breathed a sigh of relief and secretly thanked him for helping her.

Thu also smiled and said:

-You react very quickly. Don't tell me you're an anonymous martial artist. What is it like in the movie?

Tony Teo ate and drank the soup, He's not afraid of hot food either, Just keep eating continuously.

-He's so hungry, Ms. Thu, can you help me take care of him? I have some work now.