The Judge and Jury

I had accepted to go with June. If she did a favor for me. Since she accepted it seemed whatever was going on was more serious than I thought. Her car though, I never wrote that her car was a mess. Except this thing was fucking dirty as hell. 

"I'm not gonna get sick sitting here right?" I mean I couldn't, but i needed to break the tension.

She took every step of car safety seriously as she went through the steps. Eventually settling her hands on the car. "I.. I have a lot of shifts at work. So I have to eat out a lot. That's actually why i didn't really think earlier. I haven't slept in like 36 hours, so yet again. I'm sorry..."

I sighed, there goes my attempted at breaking the tension. She was basically strangling the steering wheel. "It's fine, you can relax. you should take a deep breath and if I see you passing out I'll shake you awake."

Her grip softened and she breathed out. "Ha, very funny. However I've never fallen asleep at the wheel."

Truth be told I could likely drive the car without even touching the steering wheel. However from the look and how serious she took getting into the car and car safety. I have a feeling she uses driving to think.

She started driving slowly at first, turning out of the neighborhood I lived in. I gave her time, she eventually started explaining on her own. "So I am a policer officer. Though, not a very good one since... I'm sure you know. My father is the leader of a gang and he is very vocal about him wanting me to take over once he passes. He loves me very much, but we are two different sides of a coin."

I nodded, "Yeah, that's how I knew if I met him before you. He would give you that USB. Specially after the info I put on there. Surprised you gave it to him instead of your work."

She frowned, not just any frown though. Her frown currently was one of that of a person who has given up. "It wouldn't have done anything. I've tried to do something similar in the past. They ignored it, and then when said crime occurred. They blamed me and gave me a suspended. They don't trust me, and I've given up."

In the story she gives up on the police force, because her father's condition got worse. Her co-workers laughed and the actions towards her got worse. Honestly I could save her father's life. Though that came with many flaws, June would likely be treated even worse at her station. As well as feeling a little more resentful toward her father.

It also had butterfly effect implications. So I just gave a her a question instead. "What will you do when he passes? The police force won't treat you better after he passes and the power vacuum he leaves behind will heavy."

A lot of this was only explained later in story, an attempted to clean up the novel. It happening so early was both good and bad. Her father's condition shouldn't be this bad yet. Along with the fact June is already giving up.

She shook her head, "I don't think we are close enough for you to ask that."

I gave a slightly nod, "I didn't need an answer. Only you need that answer." I cringed at myself, but it was true. She needed to think about it more.

June drove in silence for a bit, so I watched as the city passed by. We were stuck in some traffic so everything was a little slow. However I enjoyed looking at the cars that were much different than I was used to.

June broke the silence, "What's the favor. If it's something with my father or police force I can't guarantee it. Also i won't help you commit any crimes just so you know."

I tossed my hand back in a exaggerated shrug. "It is super simple actually. Just keep Stella away from me."

June raised her eyebrow at that. She seemed to be thinking about something. She eventually reached a completely insane conclusion. "Do you like her? Like, Like her?"

I turned to June, "Did you just ask me if I like, like her. What are you a child? No, I don't love her."

June's face was a crimson shade of red. She stuttered, "L-Look I just don't really, um, understand love."

That was actually valid, in the novel I never once gave June some kind of romantic interest. This was to the point that even my followers on my live streams made jokes about it. Still remember the spams of Yuriloveratmach100. Such a god awful user name. Along with them constantly spamming me about whether I was gonna write a yuri chapter.

I gave her a bit of re-assurance, as well as the realish reason for wanting Stella to be kept away. "It's fine to not understand love, I'm the type to not have love in relationships. So it's hard for me to imagine it either. However, I can still find people attractive. So to put it simply, I can only find two uses from Stella. Her Mind or her Body."

June frowned and despite the embarrassment from earlier, her redness seemed to stir more. "Yeah, I'll keep her away from you."

I couldn't help but chuckle slightly. "Me using her for her mind is beneficial to both parties. She's a genius, one that can make the stuff I have." I silently thought, ancient tech can only take you so far, and improvement can always be done.

I continued, "So, for the sake of both parties I believe a non-physical relationship is better. Specially since I'm pretty sure anyone even straight women. Can't help, but mentally undress Stella."

June seemed to blush even more and she whispered, "You got that right."

I paused, clearly she didn't mean for me to hear that. I wrote Stella to be a literal bombshell. However that last part I spoke was supposed to be a joke. Did June actually think Stella was hot? i broke the silence as fast as I could. "So yeah, a business relationship is for the best."

June nodded, "We, uh are almost here."

I just glanced out the window as June Flushed her face into the likeness of a tomato. It seems as if she knows I heard her. The silence from her comment was too long, and my follow up was way to awkward. 

For the rest of the drive it was silent, thankfully it was short as we were just a minute away.