Burning buildings

I smiled at the camera. After the set up I started with Lee Suno, you bet I capitalized. Reporters were on the scene and only one officer was doing an interview. This was going very smooth though so I was a little worried something would go wrong with my master plan.

I could hardly say I wasn't exploding with absolute glee. June had apparently stormed the building alone with a bean bag shotgun and took everyone out putting them into handcuffs. It seemed she prepared for it since she had almost a dozen handcuffs.

I was actually surprised to even hear the guys were armed. I didn't think they were armed, so I am glad June didn't get hurt due to my mistake. My eyes locked onto a man that looked like the most stereotypical haggard police man. Though he was still well dressed and had a look I can only describe as smug inferiority.

He was talking to one reporter particularly. So I wander over, focusing on the conversation.

The reporter spoke, it seems they were just beginning to question him about the events. "This is truly a impressive bust for the police station. I mean who could have imagined one person could tale down an operation like this."

The Police Chief laughed, "No, No... It's hardly impressive when you begin looking at the facts. The first thing is that only about half of the people involved had criminal records. We have no idea how many people were involved with the operation as well. Thanks to the actions of this officer we can hardly investigate clearly."

The reporter moved the microphone back to himself. "Are you saying they acted alone?"

The reporter leaned closer to the police chief with the microphone as he responded. "Indeed, sadly we were still preparing the raid. Thankfully we lost nothing from this. The officer who preformed this raid will be punished."

The reporter smiled, he was someone I hired. So he actually wasn't here to help the chief of police at all. "That's strange, can you then explain these message exchanges then?" They edited the images live, I was impressed. The chief of police though had to read them from a sheet of paper.

The Chief frowned, "Where did you get these, they are clearly fake."

The camera switched to me as I walked over. "How are they fake Chief Elazar? I was the one who reported it as well as got mayor of the district to order you to do this. Are you saying me and my contribution as well as the District Mayor are both liars?"

His eyes bugged, and then grabbed at his tie. "I have no idea who you are, but I did exactly as the mayor said. Officer June rushed ahead ignoring my orders. However I don't see why thi-"

I pulled out a large amount stack of papers. I cut him off almost shoving them into him, "You have been audited and we have found, and well." I have a half-hearted shrug. He however had a frown that was growing. It seemed he deemed saving his career more important than recovering his image. He shuffled off reading the papers.

I smiled and turned to walk away. The reporter though stopped me, "Care for a short interview?"

I gave him a small smile, "You have 5 questions."

He nodded, "Sir, who are you?" He paused, "And what are your motives here?"

I looked at the police chief and then back to the reporter. "My name is Finn Ryle, few may know my name. However I do wish to stay somewhat anonymous in my actions. So I will not elaborate further. As for my motives? Well they are many. Starting with stopping crime of this nature. Though I am sure you are wondering more about the theatrics played against the ex-police chief."

I motioned in the direction of June who was writing a report and talking to a set of emergency responders in their ambulance. "To put it simply we don't have police here in this city. Let's just say I've secured a large amount of data that proves a good 80% of the police force here is corrupt. With the exposure of the decline of security. I hope to establish a better sense of community and justice."

The reporter nodded, he paused and a barely audible voice came from his ear piece. "You said, you are named Finn Ryle. Are you relate to Arthur Ryle?"

I made a look of indignation. "Ah, yeah I am. He is my father apparently, I recently inherited his stuff. I honestly had no idea that he was my father since I grew up in the system. I have no recollection of my mother or my father as I was abandoned. Though it does seem I inherited more than just his physical materials, though none of his looks."

The reported responded and gave an explanation for whoever was watching. "Indeed, Arthur Ryle was a genius of his time though he almost never interreacted with anyone. Most of his credit come from his many written theories during his college years. Do you follow his footsteps?"

I gave a knowing smirk, this was a roundabout question for the first one he asked. As I have no doubt this reporter had some clue. I opened my mouth and then closed it, and then I responded. "I think it is better to leave the science to those who enjoy it. I much prefer a life of peaceful luxury."

Finally the reporter asked the last question. "What are you planning next?"

I smiled, "Talents, Evolution, and Security. I will leave you to figure out what that means as I think that will be much more fun. As well as it adds to my somewhat mysterious feeling. People love that stuff."

The reporter smiled and nodded, "Well there you have that brief interview. That was Finn Ryle, to respect his privacy we will let him go. However if you wish to find out more maybe tune in next time we meet with him. You could also do some home research, however for now join us in covering th-"

I stepped away and moved towards June and the ambulance. "Well, Well, Well, look at you. One big Bust and a investigation into your work place."

June sighed and turned to look at me. "Look who it is. The new pain in my ass."

With a stray thought I gave a smile, "It is a very nice ass, even now it looks great!"

She frowned, "I just don't understand you. Why did you do this?"

I sat down on the back of he ambulance. "Jin Suno, she has ability for a little project of mine. I want to recruit her for her singing ability. This also handles a total of three other problems, one I won't tell you and the other two. Well, number one is her brother Lee Suno and the second is helping you."

June caught on, "Her brother, the singer? I knew they were related."

I tapped my nose, "Her brother does love her, however the little bastard is too narcistic to actually care for her. Which left her in the protection of their Uncle. Who by the way is living at the address Willowing Lane 955, he drives a red truck and has the license plate 5A699F."

My smile made her roll her eyes. "Of course you somehow know all that. What about this helping me?"

I raised an eyebrow, "Is that not obvious? The whole of the police department will be fired. You were gonna get the boot anyway, so I just made sure everyone was going down with you. While also giving you a positive image. Powerful, Domineering and Capable beyond her superiors." I raised a finger, "This is the last pieced of paper I prepared for today. Like I said, you were gonna get the boot anyway. At least with this the whole department is gonna be changed."

She raised her own eyebrow and read the report. She then rolled her eyes, "Of course I was gonna be set up. Those fucking bastards..." She rubbed her forehead, "What of the security of the city?"

I nodded, "Ah, such a good hearted woman! Even now she fears for her city!" I laughed, "I sent a ton to the mayor and varying governments officials. A temporary police force is being set up from the surrounding areas. So don't worry about it, they don't want this to be blown up."

She rubbed her hair, "You are a strange one, but thanks I guess." She paused, "Though I think I'll have to deal with some other stuff."

She paused, thought for a moment, "The third reason. It's about Stella ain't it? The nanobots?"

I gave an obvious shrug and got up. "Welp I am gonna go find Jin Suno. I got a talk I hope doesn't go wrong!"

June watched me walk away. Before I left I heard her say, "Good luck." That got my ears to perk up, but I continued to walk away. I had to go to the hospital now. Jin was already transported there, actually... "I'll wait a day, leave her to think. Maybe let her bother contact her."