Good Samaritan

It took a while before everything quieted down. It also didn't take long until the people who were temporarily acting as the police of this region arrived. To my shock though June also arrived along with Stella and a dozen other scientists.

I steered away and talked to the auction house owner before anyone else could. "Hello sir, I would like to ask you do not disclose my involvement."

He was sitting down looking exhausted. "Ah, right. You are the one that fought that creature. I have no idea who is gonna believe all this honestly. So i am fine with not talking about it. I know who you are, plenty of people have tried to do background checks on you. Even me. Telling how little information there is..."

I bowed in thanks, and asked a new question. "Do you mind if I buy the things from the auction from you. I don't know what those guys were after, but if I can research the items. Hell, I'll even double the starting bid for all the items."

he looked up at me, then at the ambulance. Many people were hurt or scared. So it was flooded, the owner of the auction house decided to wait. He looked back at me and nodded. "If you can do 2.5 times the starting bid you have a deal."

I gave a smile, "Deal, I will transfer the money directly to the auction house. Whenever possible send them to this address." I held out a card with my address on it.

He gave another brief nod, "I'll send them as soon as possible. I honestly don't want any of those items in my auction anymore."

The man was haggard, he likely experienced the silent shade trying to search his mind. He however somehow resisted. Which meant that he was stronger than he looked. It reminded me of a solider back from war though.

"ITS YOU!" I shuddered at the voice. It was Stella, the fish-brained genius. 

She marched over huffing and puffing. "How are you always involved? Now explain to me what happened."

He tone was both childish, and yet dominating. It was impressive the control she had, but I knew it was written into her character. How else would she be a reverse harem protagonist? I sighed and looked at her. "Which part?"

She pauses thinks for a second. "The creature, it was reported that some strange creature came out of someone. Also someone defeated it, but none of the guests will tell us who, mister."

She eyed me clearly saying that I was the one who defeated it. Which was true, but I long since made sure no one mentioned it. Either through texts of blackmail or just business like the auction owner. I gave an exaggerated eye roll, as I check our surroundings.

June was facepalming. The people that came with them I had recognize. Some biologists, a historian and strangely an architect. The guests from earlier were talking and Sunny was a center of one bundle of people.

It seemed they were whispering about me. I looked down at Stella, "It was some kind of alien with mind control powers."

She frowned, "You mean Telepathy?"

I scoffed, how the hell did she compare mind control to telepathy. "That's not even close to the same thing. Anyway go do your science, I don't tend to interfere."

She yelled at me, "You are LITERALLY a scientists. Don't Tell me you aren't! You are either Dr. Ryle himself and changed your name after altering de-aging yourself or you are just using his last name for your own gain."

I laughed, "What conspiracies are you going down?"

I shook my head and step away. Stella clicked her tongue, while June leaned in. "Sorry, I don't know what is happening with her. I told her about my own investigation into you and now she is spiraling."

I nodded, that made sense. Though strange at the same time. The more contrast I felt from what I wrote the more I felt this wasn't the same. I wondered, "Hey June, is she still working at the college?"

June shook her head. "Nah, she quit for some reason. I tried to ask her about it, but she just said it wouldn't work out thanks to her knew ideas."

New ideas? "What is she working on now?"

We both watched her scan through the area. "Apparently she is research the ideas of microbiomes in space. Aliens or something basically. Though I can't imagine its easy to prove that stuff. Though... What uh, happened here?"

I shrugged, "Aliens or something."

The Throne were a bunch of weird creatures their entire species was one thing. However the genetic diversity amongst their species was so vast. It was basically impossible to know truly what they were. In the story I only ever mentioned three to keep it easy. However as things differed more and more.

I looked at Stella she looked honestly like a bit of a mess. Her normally straightened clothes were crinkled and disheveled. It was bad enough that one of the buttons on her shirt was in the wrong place.

Using my abilities I checked through a few records and found that Stella hadn't quit. She was fired from her job as the college. From the notes she didn't show up multiple days and when she did. She was distracted.

Since what I know revolved around her and her actions I had a bad feeling. I turned to June, "I'm gonna go home. Good luck with whatever."

I moved over to Sunny and motioned her to come with me. We were going home, I watched her do a humble bow to the people she was talking to. Then she walked over to me. In a low tone she whispered, "About fucking time. I didn't know how much longer I could take talking to the losers."

I rolled my eyes, "Why pretend? I just don't get it." We left soon after, once Sunny was home. I would be making appropriate calls and meetings. I needed people to start having superpowers now.