A hiding offer

The constant chatter around the table never bored me. I liked it when people talked just not when they talk to me. Jordan my stepfather forced me to come to this business dinner I was completely bored and uncomfortable. Normally I wouldn't mind this kind of thing but the men around the table just kept staring at me. Thankfully Blake had come also and would talk to me and made sure I didn't have to converse with others. Jordan always said that I would grow out of my shy stage and said it was only because I was fourteen. I on the other hand serious doubted it. I had never been a talker and I took pride in that because it was just like my mom. Mom said I look like her but I have my biological fathers eyes and his sense of humor. But she said I was quite like her. One thing no one knows except my mother and I is that my birth father is a werewolf. Which makes me a half blood. I have inherited his canines, his speed, hearing, strength, and sight. I can't shift but if I have a strong emotion then my canines will appear. The only thing is that my father left before I turned two. We have no pictures of him but when I ask my mother used to tell me what he looked like or what he was like. Someone tugged on my sleeve pulling me out of my thoughts. I looked over and saw Blake had ahold of my arm. He pulled me close enough so he could whisper in my ear. "Come with me I want to tell you something." "Is Jordan okay with me leaving?" I asked. "He'll be fine with it." "Are you sure?" "Yes, now come." We both stood up and everyone looked at us. "Jordan I need to talk with Chloe in private." "Go ahead." Blake nodded his thanks and led me out the room. He took us into the library. "Jordan really just let you take me away?" "Of course, I do have more authority and status over him." Blake said closing the door behind us. "Really? That's so cool!" Blake looked at me in an odd way that made me self conscious and made me thing that something was on my clothes or face. Looking down I folded my hands in front of me. Looking at the floor I saw Blake's shoes come in my line of sight. His shoes barely touched mine that's when I realized how close he was to me. Sliding his index finger under my chin he tilted it up so I was looking in his eyes. "When with me you do not hide. Am I clear?" I nod while staring into his dark green eyes. "I want to hear you say it Chloe. Say that you will never hide from me ever again and promise it." His voice sounded cold and hard. Sometimes when he was like this I got scared but had to hide it so he wouldn't be offended. "I promise I won't hide from you again Blake." "Good" he says the cold hardness leaves his voice. Then out of nowhere he kisses me. I'm shocked but I kiss back. He pulls me closer and I rap my arms around his neck. He pulls back and looks me in the eye. Then leans down and stops right by my ear. I can feel his breath on my neck which in turn sends warm chills through out my body. "I love you Chloe." He whispers. My breath gets caught in the middle of my throat. He moves his head away from my ear and comes in front of me and kisses me again not letting me respond. A second later there was a knock on the door. Blake huffed in annoyance. "What!?" He says a bit harshly. "Sir, Mr. Taylor is asking for ms. Chloe Verose. He wishes she come so they can head back home." One of the employees said then left. "Well I guess our time is up. But I will see you when I finish up some other business before heading to your place." He says still annoyed. I nod then quickly kiss his cheek and run out of the room. As I exited I heard him chuckle then follow.

The chuckle rang through my head and what once made me smile sent shivers of fear through out my body. Snapping out of my memory I pulled over at one of the construction sights so the boys and I could walk around some before it got dark. Carefully hopping out I went around the truck and woke Reilly up and helped him out of his booster seat then carried him while Ryjel held on to my hand as we walked around for a bit. "Look who I found." A familiar voice said behind us. I turned around just to find Robert. My eyes widened my body started to shake. Putting aside my fear I set Reilly down and hid them behind me. "What do you want?" I asked trying to keep the fear from my voice. "You know Blake has been looking for you ever since he heard you ran away from your foster family. And that you took your brothers with you. So obviously I'm here to take you back to Blake." He said with a grin. "No, we're not going." I said backing up. He wouldn't try anything right? I mean they're still workers around not to mention people are still driving. "Sorry princess but you don't have a choice." He stepped forward but I went backwards keeping the boys behind me. "Ma'am does this man have any right to your children?" Someone said from behind me. From the sound of the voice he sounded like a man. But I really didn't care as long as he didn't take Ryjel and Reilly from me. "No, he has none." I said not looking back but instead kept my eyes on Robert. The man from behind stepped in front of me. "Then you should leave now." He said to Robert. For some reason Robert left and the man turned and looked at me. "Are you okay?" He asked. I felt the boys peek from behind my legs. "Yes, thank you." I said with a bow of my head. "Ah no problem." He bent down and waved at the boys but they just hide behind my legs again. "Come on boys we got to get back on the road." "Do you have somewhere to stay for the night?" The man asked. "No, but it's ok we're headed to a town not far from here and we'll rent a hotel for a bit then get a place to live." I replied. Not knowing why I just told him that but I did and was to tired to care. "My brother and I own this pot of land and we have a small guest house that you guys can stay in if you want to." "Ummm, well, the thing is I don't know you and I have no problem driving a little bit longer to the city." "You look really tired. Please come stay with us we aren't that far from the city so you can stay for as long as you need until you get back on your feet." He said trying to get me to come. "What is your name?" I asked. "My name is Jim. And what is your guy's?" "My name is Chloe and this is Ryjel and Reilly. Look I'm not going to take you some stranger up on an offer but I do owe you for helping us so name what you want and I'll get it to you." I said about to pull out my wallet. "Ok, well then you come stay on my land until you got a place to stay." I paused on grabbing the wallet. "What?" I asked. "Yea, come stay at the guest house until you get a place of your own and you so don't have to worry about rent we won't charge." I stared at him blankly. Something was really off and I was going to find out why he was being weird so I took him up on the offer and we got back in the truck. About thirty minutes later we pulled up to a big pot of land that had a three story house and a small one story beside it. Getting out I help both boys out and hold their hands while we walk up to Jim's motorcycle. Jim takes his helmet off and jumps off the motorcycle when a equally as large man come busting out of the big house. "Jim! You didn't even ask and with the line of work your in you could have damage my bike!" The man shouts as he approaches. I back up and hide the boys behind me. Thought the man didn't seem really mad i wanted to be careful I knew nothing of these people. "Relax Eliot your precious toy is fine." Jim shrugged it off. The other man grabbed him by the shoulders and pulled him in his arms. He had one arm around his neck and the other hard but not to hard pounding on his head. "You little knuckle head! Next time ask. Also Michelle said you could borrow her truck tomorrow." The man said finally releasing him. "Well I will thank you in a minute. Anyway Eliot this is Chloe and her two little boys Ryjel and Reilly." Jim introduced us. "Hey, nice to meet you i'm Eliot." He put a hand out so I could shake it. Not wanting to seem rude since they opened their home up to us I shook it. "Chloe Verose." He bent down and waved at the twins just like his brother had. They slightly waved but then hid again. Another person walked out the door she looked like the sweet grandmotherly type though I wasn't sure. "Hello dear I'm Lilian Tear, but you can call me Granny Lil." She took put her hand out to shake and just like Eliot I shook it. I hated physical contact unless it was with my brothers. In foster care people tried to hug me and all this other stuff but I ignored it and told them I hated physical contact. They all stopped and for that I was great full but here they had willing opened their home and I couldn't be rude to them it wasn't how I was raised. "Why don't you all come in we're about to eat." Granny lil said with a warm smile on her face. When we enter the house two little boys who looked to be around the same age as Ryjel and Reilly run towards Jim and jump on him. He laughs and hugs them. "Hey there little ones" he laughed. "I want you guys to meet some people. The two little boys are Ryjel and Reilly. They're twins that is their mom Chloe." "Wait, I'm not their mom! I'm their older sister." I said with a laugh "sorry I have you that impression" I chuckled a little bit before I waved at the two little boys in Jim's arms. "Oh that makes a lot of sense! Not to be rude you just looked a little young to be their mother. Anyway these two little trouble makers are Eli and Tanner." "Jim, Eliot told me that you took his motorcycle and as you probably know he's not happy so you can take my truck tomorrow to work." A young woman rounded the corner but stopped in her tracks when she saw me. Seeing her my eyes widened and my heart dropped to my stomach. It was her.....the other girl who worked for Blake.