Rose is red

My love is too.

Red like your cheeks

When you blush,

when I stare at you.

You don't know though

Who I am.

A lover,

A stalker,

An admirer.

But I'll forever stay yours

And you'll forever stay mine.

Let God help them

Whoever comes in between.

Because I won't let them

Steal my thing.

Don't tell anyone about this, my love,

Because then you will lose whomever you love.

Your submission is what I want

And your submission is what I'll get.

So don't fight hard,

Give up instead.

Adieu, my love.

Wait for me,

I'll come soon

To steal my moon.


The white envelope looked too innocent to hold such life-threatening words in a letter when I saw it sitting on my night stand.

My groggy eyes had just woken up from the alarm clock when it spotted the envelope. Curiosity got the best of me and I didn't wait for a second to open it.

As soon as I did, the world crashed around me and the previous night stroke me like a lightning bolt.