'wow... am I really that scary ?' 'what kind of image they have in their eyes of me?' ' no I have to change it. yes you can do this Emily.'
"cough cough..... well hungry?"
the little girls eyes got lit up and she nodded enthusiastically again and again 'sooooooo cuuuuuttttteeeee I'm going to have a nosebleed' 'she is so adorable I just can't help my smile anymore'
" then I will make something immediately" saying that she leave in the direction of the kitchen but suddenly stop and turn around seeing her suddenly stop make the little boy got alert again. Emily feel truly helpless
"hmmmm... do you guys have any kind of allergy with something" the reason why she asked because she read so many novels and comics and many novels shows that rich protagonist always have some kind of allergy or something which make male and female protagonist more closed but the thing is the situation is different here, the protagonist we are talking about are still 5 year old childrens . "no...we are not allergy to anything"
" okay then"
then she left. looking at the women who is busy in kitchen to make their breakfast the little boy could not help but feel warm and a strange feeling started growing inside his heart.
after around 20 minutes, the breakfast got ready. Emily set the table and call the childrens.the twins got up and sit on the dining table. Emily prepare some sandwiches and two glass of chocolate milk shake, which children's like a lot. both the twins got very happy after seeing the breakfast. this is the first time someone cook for them other than servants and this women is now their mother. this is the most delicious food for the twins.
"Mummy the food is very delicious"
the little girl happily announces that. listening to that Emily suddenly got frozen.' Mummy?' 'yes she is a mother now'. there is a strange feeling rose in her heart, it feels like her heart is finally full, after this moment she don't have any regrets. her eyes has some tears but it was bright and there's a wide smile on her face. seeing her wide and pure smile Edward gotten hot and a strange feeling rose in his heart that even he is not able to catch.
"well well.... if you like it I will make more delicious food from now on".
they finished their breakfast and now they are sitting in the living room all watching cartoons Emily was always a fan of cartoons and anime, previously her family members always says that she will never grow up, Emily just don't understand, how can watching cartoons and liking them related to her growth from anywhere.
"uuh hu.... haha, well can you guys tell me your names"
asked Emily awkwardly.
listening to Emily the twins blinked and exchange glances. the little boy look at her like a most stupid person in the whole universe. Emily truly feel wronged. she is actually despised by her own son. at this point Emily herself did not realise that see already accepted the childrens as her own.
"you are with us for almost 2 hours and now you finally remember to ask our name"
says the boy with disdain. Emily got red with anger and embarrassment.' this little brat' "Mummy. I am Jasmine and he is Justin. he is older than me by few minutes."
'awwww my cutie pie' ' thank God I have a daughter as well otherwise Sooner aur later she will die from anger.
" Justin, Jasmine what a beautiful name."