Chapter 13 : Party time !

Third person point of view

They entered the house and Junkyu put the suit away carefully. He went to the living room and sat on the couch with Jihoon. " Don't you want to sleep ? " Jihoon asked looking at Junkyu. " I was also thinking the same, but what if my face turns puffy ? I need to attend that party ". Jihoon thought about it.

" You can just use an ice pack or something to get rid of it. It will be fine ". Junkyu nodded and smiled. " Then... I will go sleep ". He went to his room and fell asleep. Jihoon woke him up later for dinner. Luckily his face didn't puff up. He finished dinner along with Jihoon and then went to take a shower.

He walked out in a bathrobe and looked at himself in the mirror. Junkyu knew to do a little of basic makeup on himself. He quickly got that done. He then styled his hair too. He was done with it all. He went and looked at the suit. He let out a breath and shook his head. He picked it up and started getting dressed up.

He heard a knock. " Come in ". The door opened and Jihoon walked in. He saw Junkyu and smiled. " Yah. You look really good ". Junkyu smiled. " Thanks ". He put on the coat and buttoned it up. He checked the outfit in the full body mirror. Jihoon made him stand straight and helped straighten the collar and coat. He checked it again and Jihoon gave double thumbs up.

It was a black double breasted suit which had silver lining and also floral design on the coat and pant; with silver itself. But a few parts of the pattern shined brighter and some would shine based on the lighting when moving around. Junkyu decided to match it with a plain black shirt and go with an all black suit.

The suit looked really good on Junkyu and complimented his figure. He checked in the mirror and liked the results. He went around his wardrobe and picked out a few accessories. He put on a chain and earrings. He put on his watch, shoes and was done. He took out his phone and clicked a few mirror selfies.

" Take a few pictures for me ". He gave his phone to Jihoon and posed. He smiled at the result. He received a message from Haruto saying he has arrived. " Yah. Let's go ". Junkyu picked up a mask, wallet and he had his phone. They both walked out of the house and got in the elevator. The doors opened and they walked out.

" Bye. Be careful and all the best ". Jihoon said and Junkyu nodded. " Thank you. Drive safe ". Jihoon went to the car to go back home and Junkyu went to the car that was waiting for him. The driver opened the door for Junkyu and he got in. The door was closed once he got in properly. Haruto was already sitting inside.

He turned to Junkyu. " You look good ". Junkyu was a little surprised at the compliment. " Thank you ". Haruto smiled. It took them a while to reach the place. It was a 7 star hotel. The car doors were opened for the both of them and they got out. Haruto went to stand beside Junkyu and they walked in together.

Junkyu looked around wondering what it would be like. They went to the elevator and Haruto pressed the button of the top floor. " Do you hold your alcohol well ? " Haruto asked looking in the front and Junkyu nodded. " I am okay I guess ". Haruto nodded. " What if it is wine ? " " A little bit better. It takes time for me to get drunk when it is wine ".

Haruto nodded again. They stayed silent for the rest of the time and reached the floor. The doors opened and the both of them walked out. Junkyu observed Haruto's outfit as he was walking behind. Haruto was in a plain black suit, matched with a white shirt and a black tie. He put on a beige trench coat over it and finished it off with black leather shoes.

He also had a watch on and a small studs with black glint on his ears. Haruto noticed Junkyu was walking behind and stopped. Junkyu wasn't paying attention and almost bumped into Haruto. He stopped a step before and looked up at Haruto. Haruto turned around to look at Junkyu. " Is something bothering you ? "

Junkyu blinked and shook his head. " Nothing like that ". " Sure ? " Junkyu nodded. Haruto nodded. " Walk beside me. Not behind ". Junkyu nodded and fell in step with Haruto. They reached the hall and the door was opened for them. Junkyu looked around and it was a really huge hall and there were quite a number of people.

" I don't think I need to tell you to act well ". Haruto said his eyes scanning the room. Junkyu took a deep breath. He turned to Haruto and held his arm. Haruto looked down at Junkyu's hand and looked up impressed. " But you won't get more than this ". Junkyu said with a sweet smile and they walked into the hall.

A lot of them recognized Haruto and greeted him. There were more of people who are old than those who are young. There were only a few young people. Haruto didn't say much and only introduced people to Junkyu. They picked up a wine glass each and walked around. Junkyu stopped smiling when they stood to a side and removed his hand from Haruto's.

Haruto sipped the wine peacefully. " By the way... " Junkyu started and Haruto turned to him. " You look good too ". Haruto chuckled. " Thanks for the compliment ". Junkyu smiled. " Hello Haruto kun ". Junkyu turned to look at the source of the voice. " Kun ? " He mumbled and saw a young lady approaching them.

She was beautiful for sure. Junkyu forgot to put his hand around Haruto's; not that he was mesmerized by her beauty, he instead found her to be an eye sore. He didn't know why but he didn't like her. He didn't like the kind of vibes he was getting from her. Maybe he was wrong in judging her at the first meet without even knowing her.

He decided he should take a minute and then decide. " Long time no see ". She smiled and clinked glasses with Haruto. She then turned to Junkyu. " I think I saw you somewhere ". Junkyu smiled. " Hello. I am Kim Junkyu ". She smiled. " Oh right. I know you. Hello. I am Park Jin Ah ". Junkyu smiled. She smiled back and turned to Haruto. " How are you doing Haruto ? "

Junkyu saw how her eyes changed when she looked at Haruto. He sighed and looked away. He decided he might as well enjoy his wine. " Fine ". Haruto gave a one word answer. " How do you like the party ? " She asked again. " Okay ". Haruto gave another one word answer. Junkyu wanted to smile but hid it and continued to drink the wine.


A/N : Also when Jin Ah greeted Haruto it is in Japanese. There is no chance of using different font or italic so I had to leave it be. But yeah wanted to inform.