Chapter 26 : Couple things.

Third person point of view

They both entered the room. Junkyu greeted everyone and they did too. Jeongwoo also entered the room. Everyone was present so they started with their work without any delay. " Good work everyone ". All of them cheered as they were done. They were done quicker than the day before and Junkyu decided to go to the office once.

" Where to hyung ? " Sang Ho asked after getting in the car. " Let's go to the office once and then we will see ". Sang Ho nodded. " Okay hyung ". He drove to the office and in to the parking lot. " Hyung, is it fine if I come in ? " Sang Ho asked after getting out of the car. " It is fine. You can since you are with me ".

Junkyu said and they both walked inside. Junkyu followed by Sang Ho went to meet Jin in his room. He knocked and entered when he heard a ' come in '. Jin smiled when he saw Junkyu. " Ohh~~ look who is here ". Junkyu laughed. " Sit down ". Junkyu sat down and turned to Sang Ho. " Sit there Sang Ho yah ".

He nodded and sat on the couch. Junkyu turned to Jin. " How are you hyung ? " " I am fine as always. I should be asking you that. How are you ? " " I am also good hyung. I just finished some work and came to visit you once ". " Good good. How is everything going ? " " Everything is fine ". " Are you able to manage without Jihoon ? Want me to find someone ? "

Jin was a little worried too. " For now I don't really need anyone. Haruto helped me and let me take Sang Ho with me ". Junkyu said gesturing to Sang Ho. Sang Ho bowed to Jin. Jin returned the greeting. " It is nice to see that he is a nice guy ". " He really is ". Junkyu smiled. " You had script reading if I am not wrong ".

Jin said and Junkyu nodded. " We are done by today. The shoot will start later ". " How is Hyunsuk ? Jihoon said he was recovering when I called yesterday ". " He is better now. Jihoon is there so he won't let him skip any meals or medication. So he will recover quickly ". Jin nodded with a smile. " True ". They spoke a little more and Junkyu decided to leave.

" Okay hyung. I will leave now ". " Okay. Be careful ". Junkyu nodded. Sang Ho gave another bow to Jin and followed Junkyu out. " Where to now hyung ? " " Let's just go home ". Sang Ho nodded and they left the place. They drove back home. Junkyu went to his room and changed. He fell on the bed. He remembered he didn't send the photos to Haruto and did that.

He felt a little tired and decided to sleep for a while and did that. He woke up after a few hours and sat up in the bed. He looked around and saw it was already dark outside. He rubbed his eyes and walked down. He went and sat at the table. Ji Ho walked up to him. " Did you sleep well ? " Junkyu nodded with a small smile.

" It is dinner time. Want me to serve the food ? " Junkyu nodded again and yawned. He looked around feeling something was odd. He turned to Ji Ho. " Aunty, where is Ruto ? " " I guess he has some work. He came home a while ago. He didn't stay long though. He changed and left immediately ". " Oh ". Junkyu nodded.

" Oh right. I almost forgot. He saw you were asleep so didn't wake you up. But he told to inform you to call him after you wake up ". Junkyu felt more awake. He blinked and turned to Ji Ho. " Really ? " Ji Ho nodded. Junkyu checked his pockets but his phone was not there. He forgot his phone in the room.

He got up from the chair. " I will be back ". He immediately rushed to his room. He looked around for his phone. He didn't find it on the table or the bedside table. He went to the bed and pulled the blanket off. It wasn't there too. He pulled the pillows away and saw it there under one of it. He sighed and sat down on the bed.

He took a few breaths and calmed down. He then called Haruto. It was ringing and Junkyu waited for Haruto to pick up and he finally did. " Hello ". Junkyu sat up alert and greeted back. " Hey ". " Did you sleep well ? " " I did ". " Good ". There was a moment of silence. " Um..... aunty said you asked me to call ".

" Yeah. I have a business dinner and won't come home until late. I wanted to inform you ". Junkyu rubbed his neck. " Ah... okay. Then..... " " Hm ? " " Don't drink too much and..... be careful ? " Junkyu said a little hesitantly. Haruto chuckled. " Okay. You too sleep on time and don't stay up late ". " Okay ".

" I saw the photos ". Haruto said. " Ah... yeah ". " Cute ". Junkyu's eyes went wide at Haruto's comment. " Eh ? " " I said they are cute ". Haruto explained and Junkyu made an 'ah'. " You think so ? " He asked hesitantly looking down at his hand. " Yeah. Very cute ". Haruto said with a smile even though Junkyu couldn't see it.

" I guess that's.... good then ". Junkyu said and rubbed his neck. " Right. I will hang up then ". Haruto said ready to hang up. " Wait a second ". Junkyu said stopping Haruto from hanging up. " What is it ? " Haruto asked putting the phone back to his ear. Junkyu scratched his head. " Umm... is Park Jin Ah going to be there ? "

" Huh ? " Haruto didn't expect Junkyu to ask that. " Why ? What about her ? " Haruto asked back. Junkyu bit his lip. " Nothing much.... just... asking ". He said in a small voice. Haruto chuckled. Junkyu blushed and covered his face. " No. She won't be here. Like I said before, that party is the only place she can meet me ".

" Oh okay ". Junkyu felt relieved. He didn't know why he just blurted it out. " Can I hang up now ? " Haruto asked. " Ah yeah. Bye ". Junkyu pulled the phone away and hung up. He smiled and fell on the bed. He took his phone with him and went to have dinner. " Aunty ". " Yes ? " " Haruto said he will be late. How late will he come back ? "

" If you plan on staying up, I suggest not. He can be really late sometimes and no one knows when he will exactly come back ". Junkyu nodded. After dinner he went back to his room and read a book for a while. He read till he cannot stay up anymore and then fell asleep.

Haruto came back really late. He did keep his promise of not drinking too much. For which he even got teased by others. He just laughed it off. He walked up the stairs to go to his room. But stopped in front of Junkyu's room. He did tell him not to stay up for him, but he wondered if he was just playing games.

He slowly opened the door and walked in without making noise. He saw Junkyu buried in the sheets all cuddled up. He walked closer and smiled. " Cute indeed ". He said in a low voice. He saw the book which was there beside Junkyu. He picked it up putting it on the table. He took one last look at Junkyu and walked out going to his own room.