Chapter 34 : A sweet warning.

Third person point of view

Jeongwoo walked out of his bathroom and all the lights went off at once. He felt something was off. He peeked out and no light in the house was on. He gulped in fear and slowly walked out to the living room. " WHAT THE FUCK ! " He screamed when he saw a guy sitting on the couch. It was too dark and Jeongwoo could barely make out the silhouette.

He was not able to see his facial features. And it looked like he was munching on something from the sound and movement of his hands. Jeongwoo was trying so hard to try see what that guy was doing. He was dressed in all black and a cap covering half of his face. Jeongwoo gave up on trying and decide to confront him.

" YAH ! WHO ARE YOU ? AND HOW DID YOU GET IN ? " Jeongwoo also lived alone. So it was only him at the moment. " These apples are not even that sweet ". Sang Ho said as he played with the half eaten apple. " Tell me who you are or I will call the police ". Jeongwoo warned still cautious about Sang ho.

Sang Ho rested his chin on his fist. " Hmm.. police you say.... Try it. I can wait ". Sang Ho said with a smirk. Jeongwoo looked around and he didn't remember where he put his phone. His brain wasn't working fast enough as he was panicking. Sang Ho lifted the phone in air. " If you are looking for this then you should stop ".

Jeongwoo turned to him and it was indeed his phone. He clenched his fists on his sides. " What do you want ? " " Sit down first ". Sang Ho said like he was talking to a friend. Jeongwoo sat down on the chair far from Sang Ho, visibly tense. " You are being really unruly these days. Why is that ? Do you want to get punished ? "

Sang Ho spoke like he was chiding a kid. " I- I d-don't understand w-what you are saying ". Jeongwoo's voice started shaking with fear. " Of course you do. How can you not know ? I am not really a nice guy. I guess you understood that by now. So don't act up too much ". Sang Ho was really using a tone used with children.

Jeongwoo didn't understand but he decided to agree. " Okay ". " Good. Remember not to act recklessly and cause trouble to people. If I keep visiting you more often... the results won't be as nice and I won't be as good. Got it ? " Jeongwoo nodded hurriedly. " I swear I won't ". " Good. I am done. I will be leaving ".

Sang Ho got up and walked to the door but stopped. " Also change the place you get apples from. They are not that tasty ". He said that and closed the door behind him. All the lights were turned back on startling Jeongwoo. He looked away from the door and put a hand to his chest letting out a breath. He felt like crying.

He shook his head and looked around and it was as if nothing happened. But his heart which was still beating loudly was proof that it was true. He was shook to the core. He thought of his whole day and the only one he messed with was Junkyu. He wondered if Junkyu did something like this, but he knew Junkyu wasn't that type of guy. He didn't understand who he meant.

Sang Ho walked out leisurely like he wasn't the one who just warned someone that he will make their life living hell. He threw the apple away in a bin outside. He went to the car and drove away. Sang Ho was directly under Haruto. If Yoshi was the one to take care of office work, Sang Ho was the one who is on the field.

He handled matters with metal and fists more than pen and paper. He was very talented in his work and tactful too. He found out about what happened with Junkyu and was really mad. He knew Junkyu was a really nice person. They didn't interact much, but he knew how humble Junkyu was. He didn't put off the air of a celebrity with people around him and treated him very well.

Sang Ho really looked at him as a big brother. So he personally dealt with Jeongwoo. Except that our innocent Junkyu didn't know that this was Sang Ho and only saw him as a normal worker under Haruto. Haruto wouldn't send just anyone with Junkyu. Junkyu just didn't catch up on that. Sang Ho went back to his home.

He picked up his phone and texted Haruto saying he finished the task. Haruto saw the message and put his phone aside. He sat down on the couch. " Here ". Ji Ho handed him the fruits he asked for. " Thank you ". She didn't say anything and turned around. " Why are you being like this ? " Haruto asked not knowing why she was giving him a cold shoulder.

Ji Ho stopped and turned around with a hand on her hip. " Why do you think so ? " " You- " " You will say that you are not the only one at mistake. But is it that difficult to put your ego aside once and say sorry so that you can reconcile ? " She asked and that shut Haruto up. He knew very well that she wasn't wrong.

" He was already so upset. Putting aside consoling him, you had to get angry and shout at him. You should've been calmer or asked him later. Why are you this dumb ? " Haruto sighed. " Fine. I will apologize to him ". Haruto agreed and Ji Ho nodded. " Good. And bring him back home as soon as you can ". Haruto nodded and turned to her.

" Who are you working for again ? " " YOU ! That is why I asked you to do it. I know you want him to come back too ". She said that and walked away. Haruto wanted to protest but couldn't say anything. He couldn't refute what she said.

" I should stop her from associating with my mom. She sounds too much like her and I don't think I can take it if it goes up. Dealing with one of them is already a handful ". He mumbled to himself and just started eating the fruits.

Junkyu didn't go back to stay at Haruto's house. He wanted to stay at Jihoon's for a while. He asked Jihoon to go and get some of his clothes and other things. Jihoon went after he confirmed that Haruto won't be home. Not like Haruto wouldn't know, but he still went when he wasn't there. He parked and walked in.

Ji Ho came to greet him. " Hello. Who are you here for ? " " No one. I guess Junkyu might've called you. I am here to take his things ". " Oh. So you are Park Jihoon, right ? " Jihoon smiled and nodded. " Give me a minute. I will ask them to bring it ". Jihoon nodded. Ji Ho told someone to bring them and came back to Jihoon.

She sat him down on the couch. " You want anything to eat or drink ? " Jihoon shook his head. " No. I am fine. Thank you ". She nodded. " By the way, how is Junkyu doing ? Is he eating well ? " Jihoon nodded. " He is. I am used to taking care of him. So it is fine. You need not worry ". Ji Ho smiled. " That's good ". Jihoon smiled.

Even though he didn't know much about Junkyu's living there, he could say she cared for Junkyu. The suit case was brought to Jihoon. " I put his things and clothes in it. If there is anything else, ask him to let me know ". Jihoon stood up and bowed. " Thank you ". Ji Ho smiled and Jihoon walked out of there with the luggage.