Chapter 39 : Being like a couple.

Third person point of view

Junkyu and Ji Ho shared a look that they safely escaped it. They walked away in different directions. Junkyu went to the living room and slouched on the couch. " That was close ". He let out a breath. Ji Ho went to the other rooms and dispersed all the others who helped her. She then went to Junkyu in the living room.

Junkyu looked up at her. " How did it go ? " " I changed almost half of your clothes and all your toiletries too ". " Thank you so much ". Junkyu said from the heart. " No problem. I feel like you will be her prey for interrogations this time around. So be careful while answering ". Junkyu was terrified. " Ugh. I will try my best ".

Ji Ho patted his shoulder. " Don't worry. It will be fine ". Junkyu nodded and she went back to work. He sat there feeling a little sad while watching the television. Sara changed her dress and came back down after a while. He changed his posture again and sat properly. Haruto came back home to find his mom along with Junkyu.

He bowed a little and greeted her. " How are you doing ? " Sara asked looking up at Haruto. " I am good. How about mother ? " Junkyu was thankful they continued to speak in Korean. He didn't understand much of Japanese. " I am good. You are just coming back home. Is it not too much ? " Sara asked looking at Haruto.

Haruto glanced at Junkyu and back at his mom not knowing what she exactly meant. " Considering how busy both of you are, you should at least come home early when he is at home ". Now both of them understood what she meant. Junkyu felt like they will get caught. " That- " Haruto started but Junkyu spoke up cutting him off.

" It is not a big deal mom. We do spend a lot of time together whenever we can. But work is also important. I was the one who told him to not do things like that. His job isn't any easy, so.... " Sara nodded after hearing Junkyu's words. " Hmmm.... Okay ". Haruto smiled. " I will be back ". He went up the stairs to go to his room.

Junkyu was celebrating inside that she was convinced with his answer. His eyes suddenly went wide. Haruto entered his room and to his wardrobe. He stopped when he saw all the clothes in it. Junkyu excused himself from Sara and ran upstairs to Haruto's room. He entered the room and saw Haruto who was looking into the wardrobe.

Junkyu cleared his throat. Haruto turned around. " This..... ? " He asked showing inside. " She will be doubtful if we say we are sleeping in different bedrooms after moving in together. So I had them change my things to your room ". Haruto nodded. " Don't you think you should say our room now ? " Junkyu rolled his eyes.

Haruto smiled. Junkyu went out and Haruto changed his dress. He walked out to see Junkyu sitting on the bed. That was a new sight. He liked it. He smiled and sat beside him. " Did she say anything ? " " Nothing much. Just a few questions ". Haruto nodded. " She asked you if you were real right ? " Junkyu turned to Haruto.

" How did you know ? " Haruto laughed. " She is fooled way too many times by me. She tries to be cautious but I still win at the end ". Junkyu shook his head smiling. " I don't think you have to worry though. You are an actor anyway, so I don't think you will get caught ". Junkyu nodded and flipped his imaginary hair.

Haruto chuckled. He patted Junkyu's head. " Let's go down ". He got up and Junkyu followed him out. They both went and sat with Sara. Haruto spoke about his work and then she also spoke to Junkyu. Ji Ho informed them that dinner was ready and they all had it chatting a little about this and that.

Once they were done Junkyu walked in slow steps. He went to Haruto's room and opened the door. He found Haruto sitting at the table looking at his computer. He slowly closed the door and went and sat on the bed. He felt a little awkward about sleeping on the same bed. He scrolled through his phone to pass time.

After a while, he started getting sleepy. He turned to see Haruto who got up from the chair and was walking towards the bed. He sat down on the other side of the bed. " I will sleep on the couch. You can take the bed ". Junkyu said. " No need. The bed is big enough. So let's just sleep here. I would feel bad to make you sleep on the couch ".

Junkyu was about to reject. " Don't reject. Just sleep ". Haruto said in a decisive tone. Junkyu didn't say anything more and decided to just sleep on the bed. Haruto turned the lights off and slept too. Junkyu turned away from Haruto and slept on his other side with his back to Haruto. He covered himself with the sheets and closed his eyes.

He felt a hand come around his waist and hug him from the back. " What are you doing ? " Junkyu asked turning to look at Haruto. Haruto smiled. " Don't lovers sleep like this ? " Junkyu tried to remove Haruto's hand but Haruto only held him tighter. He kept trying but he couldn't remove it. He sighed in defeat.

" Yah ! Remove your hand. There is no one here. We need not act like it ". Junkyu said wanting to get rid of Haruto's hand. " Wouldn't it be nice to learn to have a little skin ship ? We wouldn't look awkward later on when we do in front of people ". Haruto said looking at Junkyu. He liked the close up view. Junkyu had such good skin.

His skin tone, nose, lips and everything looked so much better up close. He looked too cute in Haruto's eyes. " Ruto~~ No. Let go ". " It has been quite a few days since I heard you call me that ". Junkyu stopped wriggling not knowing what to say. Haruto pulled him tighter against his chest. " Let's sleep. I'm sleepy ". He said and closed his eyes.

Haruto snuggled up to Junkyu. Junkyu felt a rush of butterflies from Haruto's touch. He turned his face away from Haruto and tried to stop his heart from beating so hard. He was worried about Haruto finding out. He might even tease him for it later. He closed his eyes tightly taking deep breaths. He fell asleep in a few minutes.